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Violin exam today!

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This day has come! Today I have a violin exam and I am more then excited. If I pass the exam, I will be entering the high musical school that I've always wanted to enter. I am playing 3 etudes, 1 concert and 1 piece with 2 voices (In this case, 2 strings). The exam starts in 10.00 am (It's 9.00 am now, so I have a complete hour till the exam), and I am playing at 12.00 pm. There are entirely 8 violinists so I have a lot of competition.

The tricky part is that the musical school only accepts up to 2 violinists, so I have to show everything I've got to express my talent and show my play. This year, however, there will be 3 violins entering, because 1 saxophone gave up, so automatically there is an empty space for violins. I am getting prepared right now, so as my friends, for the exam. I really hope everything will go well.

Wish me luck everyone. I will share the news with everyone once I return, and that will be after noon. As for now, I'm off to practice my etudes (1 is really bothering me, it has some difficult notes, so I have to try to do a little trick my professor taught me. Not gonna share it with anyone lol)

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Good Luck Laz ....will keep fingers and toes crossed for you x

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Thank you

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good luck lazar......
my best wishes for u im sure u ll go perfect
huge hugs

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Good luck Lazar. I will keep my thoughts going out to you today that all goes well.

Let us know how it goes when you get back online.

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Thank you everyone so much

It went great! congratulations The 1st etude went great, but in the 2nd and 3rd I was playing a little fast, so I made a weeee mistakes, but it all went well...

I am so happy and I can't wait to see if I passed

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Lazar wrote:
Thank you everyone so much

It went great! congratulations The 1st etude went great, but in the 2nd and 3rd I was playing a little fast, so I made a weeee mistakes, but it all went well...

I am so happy and I can't wait to see if I passed

wow that was quick ...I didn't expect to hear from you for the rest of the day congratulations You must live very close to the school to get home so quickly

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kasijab wrote:
Lazar wrote:
Thank you everyone so much

It went great! congratulations The 1st etude went great, but in the 2nd and 3rd I was playing a little fast, so I made a weeee mistakes, but it all went well...

I am so happy and I can't wait to see if I passed

wow that was quick ...I didn't expect to hear from you for the rest of the day congratulations You must live very close to the school to get home so quickly

Musical school is 200 meters away from my home... congratulations

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thank you evi

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Congratulations. Smile Still keeping my thumbs pressed (that's our way of saying crossed fingers) that you will pass with flying colors. Smile

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Glad you're satisfied with your playing. I hope everything goes the way you want and you get accepted!

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Tiddly Winks wrote:
Congratulations. Smile Still keeping my thumbs pressed (that's our way of saying crossed fingers) that you will pass with flying colors. Smile

Thank you Yvette...
Btw, I have another exams tomorrow and it's music theory that we're talking about.. Need to study this afternoon congratulations

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hinapasha wrote:
Glad you're satisfied with your playing. I hope everything goes the way you want and you get accepted!

Thank you

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Chiaretta wrote:
Good luck for tomorrow too Laz! Finger-crossed for you!!

Chiiiiii!!!!!!! I've missed my favorite Glee addict

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The best luck from me Lazar!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm sure you'll pass!

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Agne wrote:
The best luck from me Lazar!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm sure you'll pass!

Thank you

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Lucky Strike wrote:
good luck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I did the exam, I am waiting for the results congratulations

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Lucky Strike wrote:
good luck on the results then!!!!

when do they come out???

dk lol

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thank you

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bunnyfuzzyness wrote:
Keeping my fingers crossed for today and wishing you more luck tomorrow

Thank you Audrey

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bunnyfuzzyness wrote:
I have a new name, cool

you better pray that my name is not on the exam )

OMG OMG OMG!!!! Terribly sorry My head is today!!!

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I've just called my Prof. and I've passed


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200 points!!!!

Thank you Yvette

200 points is a maximum

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That is soo great!!!!!!!!!!!!! CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!!!
Just don't be like they are after celeb: Laughing

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Hehehhe Laughing

Thank you

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Yay Lazar!!!! CONGRATS!!!!

don't feel bad about the name ,being called Audrey is an honor.She is magnificent! I have been up all night there is no telling what silly thing I might do today.

huge hugs and lots of love!!!!

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Nice to meet you Audrey Laughing lol

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Aww thank you Laughing

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Lazar wrote:
200 points!!!!

Thank you Yvette

200 points is a maximum

Perfect score!!! congrats!!!

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Lazar wrote:
I've just called my Prof. and I've passed


Congratulations Laz ...may all your dreams come true ...and remember your friends when you are a famous violinist

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Of course I will I don't know about famous though... Laughing

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And let me express all my happiness in this post:

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wow cingrartulations Lazar
tomorrow i have exam too
so afraid

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Thank you

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