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I think it's time playfish....

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I think its time playfish put some new items into the eco boxes...they are certainly not encouraging us to recycle by having the same boring items in there all the time Sad They have been the same for ages Sad

I also think we are way over due for a new gift on the lottery wheel
I loved that kitty when it first came out, but I landed on it today, and all I thought was 'great...another one!' Sad

What do you think?

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i agree with you lea!!!!!!!they are too boring

i dont recycle anymore Sad

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Tiddly Winks wrote:
I only recycle when I burn something with cooking. That's really sad, isn't it????

have no idea that we can recucle burnt foods

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Tiddly Winks wrote:
Oh yeah, I have had lots of practice with that.

well done i will do it too

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Gaiamaiden wrote:
I agree Lisa, Im sick of disco balls and water fountains Sad they are all boring

like disco balls lol

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wow there are disco balls??
i always wished to know where are they from Laughing
well,i recycle only burn food too congratulations

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oh yes oh yes oooooooooohhhhhhhhhh yyyyyyyyeeeeeeeeeeesssssssssss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

although i'm still recycling as i had stopped for months(!) i would like new items!!! and seriously i just can't see that kitty anymore!!! we need new stuff!!!

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I agree. I would like to have more eco items like a green ballon or an eco petling changing potion which would entirely change petlings into a green color and some leaves on.

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Foxpoly wrote:
wow there are disco balls??
i always wished to know where are they from Laughing
well,i recycle only burn food too congratulations

by medium eco box

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Definitely to both!
How about a bird bath in the eco boxes? I've been using the stoneage table as a bird bath, but it would be nice to have one with water in it!

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