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Im quite sad today Updated 17th July!

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Just had a phonecall to say that my uncle Paul has been rushed into hospital.

He came from holiday a few months ago and he got bitten by something in the water....A few days later when he was back home, His foot was playing up soooo bad.
Hes been sick, going dizzy and everything.
Just yesterday, He was in bed and was complaining of an headache and feeling dizzy, and then he couldnt hold his fiid down or anything and not his Big teo has gone BLACK!

So mum took him up the hospital and they kept him in and on monday he needs to have his toe off

I feel so so sorry for him. Even tho hes 43, Hes really scared
I wish i could take his pain and make him all better.

My thoughts and prayers are going to him at this hard time.

XX Uncle Paul XX

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Oh my goodness! I am so sorry and wishing everything well for your uncle! Sad *hoping that everything will go well*

Have you determined what bit him? If you have, then the doctors maybe can find the cure.

I am so sorry Sarah. I am wishing everything best for you, your uncle and your family

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oh, im so sorry to hear that! i would be super scared if i was in his position so i dont blame him i hope he gets well soon but lets keep our hopes up im sure he'll be fine

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What a terrible thing to have happen! My thoughts and prayers are going out to him. It's a scary thing, I'm sure, to be faced with the loss of his toe. Let us know how he's doing!

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Lazar wrote:
Oh my goodness! I am so sorry and wishing everything well for your uncle! Sad *hoping that everything will go well*

Have you determined what bit him? If you have, then the doctors maybe can find the cure.

I am so sorry Sarah. I am wishing everything best for you, your uncle and your family

Hem... wrote:
oh, im so sorry to hear that! i would be super scared if i was in his position so i dont blame him i hope he gets well soon but lets keep our hopes up im sure he'll be fine

SashaGirl wrote:
What a terrible thing to have happen! My thoughts and prayers are going out to him. It's a scary thing, I'm sure, to be faced with the loss of his toe. Let us know how he's doing!

Thanks so much for your kind words and for sending your prayers and thoughts to him.

He went to the doctors and they sent him right to the hospital and that was like 1 month ago...And they said they dont know what caused it. But since then its just worser and worser and he had to go back into the hospital and the hospital cant tell him what it is either.

His whole foot is swole up like a balloon. They have given him the choice...Either have an op to see what is making it swell up or get the toe removed...But they have also told him...If he leaves it too long then he will have to have his foot off...And that could spread up his leg and in the end he will have to have the whole leg amputated.

So he has said for them just to take the toe off because he dont want to have his foot off.

It was such an hard desicion for him...I feel so so sorry for him.

Even tho you cant hear or wont read this.......Love you to bits Paul...Hope the op goes well on Monday <3

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I pray for his recovery,I know that it is very scary to have anything amputated.

My heart breaks for him and I miss being the nurse, instead of the patient.He will need his family more than ever and I can't emphasize how bad I feel for him.Send him our prayers.

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I am very sorry for your uncle Pink, probably it was a specie of medusa, you know, here in this area there is a season of a kind of medusa reproduction, and if they hit a body the area turns swollen and black, some of them are tiny and they cant be seen, biologists constantly monitor sea and rivers and when they detect this, nobody can swim
I hope you uncle will soon be fine

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best of luck to your uncle paul hunny. he will need lots of tlc after his surgery so he's lucky to have you. he'll be in my prayers!

i really hope they find out what is wrong with him.

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Apparently its poison in his toe but he has got Diabeties so he is not reacting to the medication as well as you and me would.

He still has to have his toe off monday tho but he is alot better in his self now which is a good sign.

He has been up and down the hospital since september and they have only just figured out what it was..... Its the hospitals fault that he now needs his toe off....

He should really go somewhere about that because at the end of the day...The hospital should have started treatment last year for it and now look what its gotton to.

They told him it was just a bruse >.<
Stupid Stupid hospital!!!

Anyways....the end result is that he needs to have his toe off and learn how to walk again.
Thought are with you uncle Paul. Love you loads <3

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Oh my goodness! Best prayers and wishes Sad

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Aww thanks lazar. Hopefully hes up and walking before the end of the month because me and allll of my family are going out for a meal on my birthday....30th July. It wont be the same without him thre to crack the jokes and keep everyone laughting and making it super funny ahaha

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i hope everything goes well with you and your family sarah. its hard going thru those things especially when you dont understand whats wrong. sending prayers your way


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Yeah! You should sue the hospital for this!! Mad

Well, not really 'sue'...but, well....I bet you wanted to say that huh?congratulations

I really hope your uncle gets better xPink.Pixel.Princessx!! *hugs!*

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