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How to leave a visitor message

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Visitor messages are a great way to give thanks and let other members know that you've had a good trade with this member, or they have helped you out in some way or anything you think deserving.

1. Click on the "Profile" of the member you wish to leave a Visitor Message for.

2. Once their profile has loaded, click on "Visitor Messages" in the top left hand side of their profile.

3. Once in the "Vistor Messages" area click on "New Message" and then simply type your message and click on "Send"

It's that simple, if you have any issues please contact a moderator or admin who will be happy to help you.

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I love getting visitor messages! This is a great way to entice people to trade here. Good job guys!

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Guest Guest
i made it sticky!!!

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jwr wrote:
i made it sticky!!!

Ahh...cool...thanks jwr...

I love this "learning something new everyday" hehe...

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Keep Dreaming wrote:
Awesome guide Amanda!
Thanks for the help in the forum!

no worries Smile

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Howdy. Is this feature disabled? I'm trying to leave a VM but I can't find either "New PM" button.

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click on a members profile button (under their avatar)
then click the visitors message tab at the top congratulations

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I';ve just tried it on a member with no vm;s and the tab is still there......

when you cllick on there profile there are tabs at the top labled;
visitors messages, profile , statistics, friends and contact

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Thank you, lea. I still don't see the "NEW PM" button, so it's probably a browser issue.

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Lyudmila wrote:
Thank you, lea. I still don't see the "NEW PM" button, so it's probably a browser issue.

You mean on the visitor msg tab on someone's profile?

If you want to send a pm to them, it's on the right side of the tabs.

I'll find out about the box..I don't seem to find it on your profile which I'm looking at.

EDIT: Maybe you pressed no visitor message on your profile? Some users may have done that to prevent others to write on their "wall".

To change it, as I don't see it on yours, go to profile, then tab preferences, the second line, it should say 'Allow visitors message on your profile' then 'all members, my friends, nobody, hide this tab' Click all members and save. That should work, I hope. Ashamed

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