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Lucky Strike

How can i find ingrediants???

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A quick post before heading off to bed..

I started playing RC a little.. I like it but it's toooo difficult.. Especially if you don't trade! And from a quick look the want many items similar too ps's 3333/5999/etc.. And i really CAN'T afford that for the world!!!
Anyhow.. How can I find ingrediants faster?

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how far that's what i see.. what else can i do???

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Lucky Strike wrote:
A quick post before heading off to bed..

I started playing RC a little.. I like it but it's toooo difficult.. Especially if you don't trade! And from a quick look the want many items similar too ps's 3333/5999/etc.. And i really CAN'T afford that for the world!!!
Anyhow.. How can I find ingrediants faster?

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how far that's what i see.. what else can i do???

Grow them in the garden, found on the left-est side of the game, you have to move your restaurant to see it.
I think you got them all..you can also look for them on the fan page, where they usually have 1 ingredient up for grabs each day.

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There are "crates" is some neighbors restaurants so if you find one in an active player you have the option to post in its wall, and when it is "open" both have that ingredient

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The ways you've put and also the daily quiz and crates like others have said are the only ways I can think of to get ingredients but it does get a bit easier after a while Laughing
The best way to trade is to have active players on RC and ask them which ingredients they need because that way they're more likely to accept the trades with you (because they probably won't want an ingredient that they've already got like 200 of Laughing ). Also put fair trades like trade for same star ingredients - it personally annoys me if people send me trades for my 5 star ingredients and they only want to give me 1 star ones back as it's not very fair in my opinion so I don't send trades like that to others either.

Sorry I can't help anymore and you probably already knew all this but hope it helps anyway

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I've seen houses with like more than 1000-2000 of the same ingrediant!!!! It's making me wanna scream when i can't even find 1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Mad

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Same here! I think they either have lotsssssssss of active friends who gift and stuff or they just hack the game Sad it's still annoying when you can't even find 1 for yourself though grrr lol

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Some trade on the forums, for example Ps stuff for RC stuff. they constantly trade for SOC or Soups which have a high resell value. When they see the ingredient that is popular on sale in the market, they will cash in all their soups/SOC and hoard a lot of ingredients.

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I prefer to just have enough for me and a few to gift... Right now if i don't find 2-3 suggars, 1-2 oranges and 1-2 cherries i'm gonna miss the limited.. but i still have 2 day s:D congratulations:D

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Lucky Strike wrote:
I prefer to just have enough for me and a few to gift... Right now if i don't find 2-3 suggars, 1-2 oranges and 1-2 cherries i'm gonna miss the limited.. but i still have 2 day s:D congratulations:D

add me and send trade requsts..i think i have those.

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sent f/r congratulationscongratulationscongratulations i'll send tomorrow as i'm going to bed now congratulationscongratulationscongratulations thank you!!!! I don't know what to offer.. Ashamed

btw.. this is the 3rd or the 4th time i add you? Laughing

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Lucky Strike wrote:
sent f/r congratulationscongratulationscongratulations i'll send tomorrow as i'm going to bed now congratulationscongratulationscongratulations thank you!!!! I don't know what to offer.. Ashamed

btw.. this is the 3rd or the 4th time i add you? Laughing

offer anything. i took all PS friends off fb cause i don't play anymore..

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I have send the trades.. I sent a few more that completes me other dishes so feel free to accept whatever you like Smile

THANK YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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