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What does make you know that the summer has definitely started? For me, it's our swimming pool opening lol! I always jump like crazy when it opens up! I can't wait for the weather to improve so I can go there! congratulations

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The Summer holidays, Sunny weather, a week after my birthdays, unbearable hotness in the afternoon.

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Summer used to start for me on Memorial Day weekend in the US. But, as I got older, I noticed that it was starting later and later. My graduation from High School seemed to start in the middle of June.

Now, it starts when there are no rehearsals for choir and sewing doesn't happen.

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hot weather and bugs mosquitos mostly

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when my kids break up from school, they have 3 more weeks left, so have a while yet

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here in M.East u will say its the start of a long summer, when u feel u need to stay 24/7 on a full air conditioned room, yeah you're right luka, here its very very hot now, really unbearable!!!

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when the traffic lets up cuz everyone is at home now!!! whoop whoop for no traffic!!

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