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Pet Society Vacation

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Who's playing it? It's cute, I think!! I didn't see anyone of you from here in my list there, I think...so just wondering, lol. Will be gone for 2 days...Smile Take care, all of you!

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I don't have an iphone so that leaves me out in the cold. Don't plan on buying one as it would probably never get used.

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Tiddly Winks wrote:
I don't have an iphone so that leaves me out in the cold. Don't plan on buying one as it would probably never get used.

me tooo but i would much rather have one .... maybe for the exclusive items but i'll never get one until i get enough money to buy it myself

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I don't have one either but my daughter does. I told her to get it so I can see what it's about. Can you send things to us flunkies who don't have I phones, I pads ect?

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Tiddly Winks wrote:
How is it different than the PS we play on Facebook?

there are new mini-games and new items, but some items are just different colors to the ones we have on fb

scgrandma58 wrote:
I don't have one either but my daughter does. I told her to get it so I can see what it's about. Can you send things to us flunkies who don't have I phones, I pads ect?

the ipod/ipad whatever ones, you cant send stuff over and vise versa

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ohhhh, gonna have to wait till november when i get my iphone to join you guys on PS vacation. i hope your pets are nice and relaxed congratulations

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I Dnt Hav A iphone =( Im Gutted Cuz Its Looks Gd.....Its Not Fair

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From what I've been told, next week's theme is very close to the vacation theme...so we're not missing too terribly much. Don't worry, Flick86, I don't have one either.

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