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Custom Dodge Van - Got Milk

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Haha, nice one. But maybe that 'Got Milk?' should put on the side?

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haha, maybe got to modify the paint of the roof also..Problem is both me and my bro hand writing are not good Razz
front view..

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cute cow van...
the handwriting may not be nice but thats art...
got sentimental value also...
which is the most important part~

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Wasn't the "Got Milk?" supposed to come with a question mark? Maybe if you wirtten "Milk Me!" would be more apt. hahaha.

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Quote :
^ MILK ME? wakakaka.. jocolor

Well it is a cow for crying out loud. hahaha Razz

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netmatrix wrote:
Maybe should ink some nipples on the under carriage. hahaha

Haha.. lol!lol!

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Lol, just see it as a milk delivery van la..Not a milk producing van Razz

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GOT MILK means sudah ada susu...definitely got susu already lol!

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nice effort... looks not bad...

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where's the horn u put b4? hehe
body paint quite nice.
if the windows are clear color would be more suitable i guess

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