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Py lunch haul 22 July

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yup!! i heard that b4!! Just put that carded into the fridge..right?? But not too long cuz would damage the card.....as what i know! Correct me if wrong.

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pydrumerboy wrote:
by the way CHAH got a free car from me tongue

from my very first purchase from this forum......I will remember forever....... thumbsup

thanks to you, now I have extra EVO waiting to be customised....... Twisted Evil

hail thunt king PY..... godgod

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@chee keng hong - yes, the firdge and yes not too long otherwise card gets frozen then when defrost, might damage it....

@CHAH - I want to see that customised evo ....

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nice evo shifter py...
any leftovers of the same evo at the place u hunt there bro?

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@zint - today I saw like 3 in different places. I got a feeling its gonna fill the market.

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ic ic...thanks bro for the info...
i just hope somehow the car also fills the market here at my place...
nobody seems to dig in the shifters too much...

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pydrumerboy wrote:
No actually I am semi serious, is giving free cars to friends or HWCM members the spirit of HWCM or part of it at least? Just a question.....which is yet to be answered. This is just a friendly question, not meant to create problems. Is it the spirit of HWCM? or should it be?

PS I have no probs giving free cars ....hehe

i want all your rubber... erm not that.. the one with $.. hehe

Yup should very much depend on the giver & whose the receiver... but of course u would not want a tag along/fakes who register to just take advantage of HWCM spirit and friendship. thumbsup

btw, for those looking for CS 24/7 & Evo (yellow) pick up ur backside and go hunting, theres alot around now.

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ur rite py~
today i also stumble upon some yellow CS evo...
miraculously kuching miss the first evo CS...

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nice evo shifter!! Very Happy this one will be my next target! Is that your friend squatting and browsing something behind the cards your holding? Just asking only... grin

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@danielh - Nope. I hunt alone.hehehe go to my blog and you can read the story there. Smile

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^ hey that was me drop by after my school! but i didn't know that is you py. :rolleyes2:


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