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my raya haul!

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this one bigger than normal HW card size....

wonder this one can open like funny car?

nice mit.eclipse concept

been looking for this white nsx, to add to my nsx set

this amg also been looking for tyjis colouradd to my amg set

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oh no.. nice la that amg.. i still dont have it yet..
all nice haul bro, congrats..

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wah!!!!!!!!!! where did u go on raya holidays? and u can haul some nice cars!!!!!!!!

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whoaaa....raya haul..everybody sibuk raya you sibuk hauling..hehe..nice haul alfagta..

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Thank all comments,the VW set never sell in M'sia.....
got it fr a friends ,he got it fr oversea lasttime!

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alfagta wrote:
Thank all comments,the VW set never sell in M'sia.....
got it fr a friends ,he got it fr oversea lasttime!

Oh..Thanks for the info..

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