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RAOK from praba71

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Thanks bro for this holiday rods when we visited your Hall Of Fame few weeks back..it's a great Hotwheels Very Happy

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Thanks Daniel. I forgot to take pix of the stuff Cham2020 passed to me.. Hope to do it soon. I'll see you guys again when I reach JB.

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prabha. let me know when u'll be down here again.
the big man from mattel will be here at the end of the month as well.
it'll be cool to show him ur showroom as well as DA's showroom

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demonicle wrote:
prabha. let me know when u'll be down here again.
the big man from mattel will be here at the end of the month as well.
it'll be cool to show him ur showroom as well as DA's showroom

That would be pretty cool. When will the dude be down..? Let me know I'll try to arrange something.

It'll be great to catch up with you as well.

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