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Raok from Brother Shakz~

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This was given to me the first time i came to subang's gathering...
I know its just a fire eater but very2 memorable one to me...
back in kuching this sort of stuff never even came...
so i was quite lucky someone RAOK me this car/truck...
many many thanks bro shakz...
i guess i owe u not one but many already liao...

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Nice meeting you Zint...

After so long... finally back in action...

Friday gathering has always been a happy hunting ground for most of the ppl.

Hope to see ya at the gathering more frequent.

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thanks bros~
ill try to come frequently to friday nite gath...
cuz not so far too...
unless dun hav transport hehe

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shakz naik level dah...
jedi master hehe
anyways i think wanna bring some
kek lapis in future gath to let everyone have a taste...
gonna kirim with my friend....
okay or not hoo?

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danielh wrote:
sambil makan , tengok HW....lagi sedap..

jangan makan HW sudahlah..

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RGSUKAN wrote:
danielh wrote:
sambil makan , tengok HW....lagi sedap..

jangan makan HW sudahlah..

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Mane ade Master all....

Still a small kuchi...

Zint... hell yeaa bro... kek Lapis Masam Manis is the best... Or the Original Flavour....

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you have join 2nd Gath yest even its unofficial gath.. more like teh tarik session... Razz

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haha ya loh bro~
the hujan really spoil...
have to balik early and left eight, uncle woozie and mr sinclair there...
almost miss it cuz brother artt late notify me...

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