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Okay, that was a joke
Anyways just wanna tell you guys that I'm sharing a stall with a friend tomorrow at Amcorp Mall
Will sell some unwanted HW cars(carded & loose), some MATCHBOX as well as some TOMICA
Do drop by and support a bit

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Ok according to the bylaws of posting in HWCM, I can ban zacktan for a period of one week starting from now. Sorry

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eh?? mmm suspicious...something missing RazzRazz

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Watch out I will be deleting post (this one I am serious la...haha) ....huhuhu...can't be;lieve that some think I was serious and start to pm me pulak

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haha like the joker-yoda fight..hwcm members really caring one RazzRazz

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matchboxclub wrote:
good luck on ur sales zacktan.. might drop by 2molo, where's ur stall in Amcorp?

Second floor bro

For a second I thought you're serious but think again I didn't violate any rules

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owh, luckily our mod py not like someone tu, always like ban ban pl, RazzRazz

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Sales were very good, managed to sell 50% of what I brought
Thank you to those who bought from me and some who dropped by

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arghhhh... now only I know about this and I was at @amcorp yesterday.. but didn't go up.. kanasai......

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mushr00m wrote:
arghhhh... now only I know about this and I was at @amcorp yesterday.. but didn't go up.. kanasai......

I saw your girlfriend though

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