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non / late arrivals

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any of u facing this problem?? bought items from 2 sellers in the US of A but till today still
not here yet.

a.item 1 shipped on the 28 dec 2009
b.item 2 shipped on the 19 dec 2010 ( this seller lagi best i paid him on the 30th dec but bcoz he pindah rumah he shipped my barang on the 19th .... )

it normally takes 12 days to reach me but i dont know whats goin on. would it help to go to
kastam klia?.... any body with a solution.

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Few weeks to near two months is still normal provided seller sent 'em via airmail, if he shipped via surface (kapal) however expect it take very, very long time probably you won't remember getting the package anymore. However be cautious that the item might indeed reach here already but 'tak lepas'. In this case they'll only send a small slip to your postbox telling it's detained. If you accidentally thrown away the paper while going through other mails or without reading it then the package probably stay inside customs warehouse forever.

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Same here...couple since November pun belum sampai Crying or Very sad

but those send during Jan...arrive wo scratch

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undercoverbrother wrote:
Few weeks to near two months is still normal provided seller sent 'em via airmail, if he shipped via surface (kapal) however expect it take very, very long time probably you won't remember getting the package anymore. However be cautious that the item might indeed reach here already but 'tak lepas'. In this case they'll only send a small slip to your postbox telling it's detained. If you accidentally thrown away the paper while going through other mails or without reading it then the package probably stay inside customs warehouse forever.

i checked ady. all via air mail. BTW all items send to my office. dont think will lose the slip if ada. heard from one collector that nowdays no notification will be sent to you. so kalau tak go n check then kiss ur items bye2 lor.

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mine already shipped in 20th Nov, from canada.. and still not reach ..
maybe hantar guna kapal kot?? RazzRazz
but the seller are very helping and he ask for a few weeks more.
if not reach, he will claim from canadian post..

and this is the only my not-arriving items case so far..

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Hurm this is very subjective...

If you guys claim we need to wait 2 months... then you can alwayz kiss bye2 to yr $$$$ if you purchase from ebay, coz paypal term says claims must be submitted by 45 days from time of payment...

I have 1 scenario where package sent in November from Colorado USA, till early January never arrive so have to log case to pay pal, etc I got my Claim back from paypal.

Finally early last week the item arrive after almost 2 1/2 Months with Customs Chop of Philippines, Indonesia , Spore and finally Malaysia.

Most like this was due to wrong assortment during the shipping process.

Finally Im happy received my item have to inform the seller item received and request him to resend the paypal invoice.

End of the day seller and buyer both happy, where initially both was not happy coz seller lost money buyer never receive item.

So there is loads of possibility when purchasing online, my advice is alwayz protect your self 1st incase item is not received in x days please go and report to paypal, of course we wanna have a good repo with seller but end of the day please do also consider to protect yr own Interest.

If its a trade item then a whole diff story laa right...

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