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Ferrarizer Dispute

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Didn't keep his promise to collect the Ken Block Ford Focus Diecast. He promised me two weeks ago he will come to the gathering and collect it from me. OK, that is fine with me. The next thing, he never appeared and gave the busy reason. And a while ago i contacted him, he said I don't want. No money already. Sorry.

I am frustated because you promised to come and collect but no news given till now and I need to contact you back.

I am disappointed with you, when I told you I want your stuff, I bought it when you came to the gathering and now you FFK me. It's a dispute anyway for other traders to be beware of you.

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haih.. why lalike that.. hope you guys can solve this amicably yah...

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hmmmm....selesaikan permasalahan ini dengan penuh hemat dan bijaksana ya...ibarat menarik rambut dari tepung, renung renungkan...selamat berjaya..


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he say willing to settle and collect the item.
but from what i notice, he's non genuine but to save his FACE on HWCM.
he said to me, if the buyer doesn't want the item, means don't want. means that if he feel he doesn't want the item , he will say GOODBYE and never tell you till you ask. the best part is, he told me i insist him for the sales. OF COURSE I had to follow up the business deal, you PROMISED you want and you telll me all these!


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don't know what to say.. aha... but please if u guys order from someone .. especially if you order customize item then u must get the deals done... its not easy to do customize items... its time consuming and need comitment to finished it before it can be delivered... if u dont want the item or not sure either u really wnat it or not then why order it on the first place???? ... huhu.. thats why i didnt take orders for custom works.. becoz some other ppl atitude just simply selfish... only thinking of them selves...

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i just want to know, does he pay you and collect the item already or not? if yes then case close.

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If someone wants to cancel a DEAL, at least have the courtesy to inform early and explain why.. of cos think carefully before u agree in the first place..

Be a man! Do the right thing!

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normal case i think...aku pun always deal dengan member² yang janji suh booked la n siap negotiate minta harga kawan² janji cukup bulan mahu bayar la,but at last senyap sepi je..tapi sebab anggap kita ni satu team collector n nak jaga keharmonian our team juz diamkan je la n anggap xder rezeki Smile

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I guess it's my part of the story now.

First of all, I acknowledge that I am at fault because I did not inform Cham earlier, before I left for Czech. I made him reserve the car for more than two weeks since I was in Czech and I appreciate his patience.

The reason why I told him I do not want the car anymore after coming back from Czech is mainly because I do not have the financial capabilities to purchase the car from him at the moment, and thus I turned down the deal, not wanting him to reserve it for me any longer till I have extra cash.

Cham gave me the method of settling this dispute, and I chose to purchase the car from him with the money I have saved by sellin of part of my collection. However, when I told him I want to settle it this way, and I'll meet him at the gathering, he THREATENED me to never come to th gathering again. I am willing to settle this once and for all and forget about it, but are you?

I'm not sure how true this is, but he also told me: "I went to amcorp. Other collectors say why lah you trade with ferraririzer. They already blacklist you." If there is a list, I would love to know why I am on it. A man can only improve by learning from his mistakes. Those who I have offended, please do pm me.

On a lighter note, I have met some really nice collectors and done good trades with them. Both parties were willing to compromise with each other and everyone was happy.

P.S: The custom was made beforehand by Cham before selling it to me. It wasn't upon request.

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whatever you want to say kid, but you didn't honor the deal. yes, i said, better don't let me see you at the gathering because I WAS ANNOYED when you said, CUSTOMER DUNWAN MEANS DUNWAN. and that WAS NOT A THREAT. OKAY, I AM SORRY I GAVE U AN IMPRESSION I THREATEN YOU. TELL ME, if people say things like that to you, won't you be angry ?

Another thing, if you are sincere of settling the dispute, why I didn't see any sincerity from you? You promise you will come gathering TWICE, but you NEVER NEVER NEVER appear after the dispute. So what is this?

yes, the custom was made beforehand and i offer to you. but since you CHOOSE to FFK, i was furious. seems you are making FUN of me...


you TOLD me, you MESSAGE me at FACEBOOK. But why I didn't get any message? If in case of any Internet failure or delivery failure, okay, I accept. But I just want a REASON why u FFK me and you gave me multiple reasons and that MAKE ME FURIOUS YESTERDAY.


which one is TRUE? you keep swinging and don't have a PENDIRIAN YANG TETAP.

to other traders who deal with me, they know what kind of fella I am.

MODS, i am tired of this fella. just LOCK this topic ad let the DISPUTE ON. No need for editing anything. Just let the public to JUDGE

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All collectors here are seller and buyer by himself. All must honor every deal as promised. If one not keeping the promises, HWCM easily hancur.

Seeing above post the deal already hancur as Cham now will never let go the car and Feraririzer will keep giving reason and more reason.

Still we never wanted this and case seem close without any apology.

All here are classic example but the bad one.

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