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Kingcat's haul...haul "baru belajar"..Update 06012012

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ali_xstone wrote:

littleprawn wrote:
nice haul~ yummy~

loaded92 wrote:
nice haul bro! congratz Very Happy

zephyr wrote:
ohhh very nice... awesome...

CHAH wrote:
tahniah le........ thumbsup

Thanks all.. baru nak start..please beri 'tunjuk ajar' yer.. god

limsy wrote:
Is yr cat drunk??? lol!
Congratz on yr haul.

Hahaha...overdose of HW poison..thanks bro... laugh1

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Sikit² lama² jadi bukit.....keep it up...kalau cam nie la sekali hauls...tak sampai setahun...bnyk nanti niee..

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Salam n good day everybody..ohh... dan Selamat menyambut Hari Natal kepada kengkawan yang meraikannya... Just an update on my haul from November till yesterday...to share with all my good friends here...sharing is caring...enjoy.. thumbsup

Some haul from my wife business trip to Singapore..but..errr..not HW lah...sorry MOD..


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Salam everybody... would like to share some 2012 haul with you guys... this is my 1st 2012 wave that I manage to grab.. really hope to find good cars next time..enjoy..

This is some of 5 packs that i manage to get...

That's all..for now.. Very Happy

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Thanks for all the compliment guys.. Yup.. All 5 pack that i got was from our local hypermarket.. Giant shah alam.. I think most of the collectors were busy looking n hunting for 2012 wave.. And forgot to check at 5 pack section.. Or.. Maybe is just my luck..

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