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OMG THIS IS ..amazing..... :3

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Caught your attention. That usually works

Welcome to Run's Inky's House congratulations
It's semi-random and semi-nice :3

Here's our LivingRoom. Funny, Most people don't come out alive after they entered. We also own a weedplant.

Inky's room, which is never used since it has no purpose.

The kitchen where we have about 50 glasses on a very high glass shelf that is held up with.. 2 screws. :blush2: :

The bathroom, probably the most safe room ever

The Rec room. nothing special about it, well the sink DOES work but it ends up spitting out mold before hand, making you .. kinda not wanting to continue further with it.

The art room, You wouldn't know that though. But Inky insists a bunch of objects with a "theme" placed in one place is art.

And then the attic, Just a bunch of random stuff and a guest bed.

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nice rooms ink =) hehe!!
love ur kitchen ^^

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love the living room , bath and kitchen. the art room is cool too. very original.

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Really really nice! But I think that clock on the left in Inky's room seems to be useless, but it's just my opinion

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LOL.. really caught my attention, love your rooms. Especially the art room :tongue2:

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