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(Solved) : Editing collabs

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Are we allowed to change the categories titles and/or the descriptions of them?

I cannot see any option to do that. 



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Website Homepage > Website Management > Website Settings > Applications


Edited by SLGray-ztwds

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I cannot find the Website Management on my Homepage. ?

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Do you still have your forum on the Beta Tester server?

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Bonjour @TheCrow

Be careful not to confuse your accounts! The GC administrator of Crossroadz you imported is the account @TheCrow-crossroadz and not @TheCrow 

It is therefore normal that you do not have access to the website management with @TheCrow account.

If you want to be able to manage your GC with the same account, you must request a merge of all your accounts as indicated here

Thank you.

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Okay. I didn't know there were two accounts. Thank you!

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