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Bloody Mad !!!

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Just walked past the car and you can see where someone has opened there car door on ours , It makes me so censored MAD !, This is the third time the car is only 3 years old and i try my best to look after it , why dont other people just take a bit of care scratch
If ever i caught someone doing it i would fightingfightingsmacksmack and i dont care how big, small or old , censored work hard to have nice things for some scum t**t to f**k it up censoredcensoredcensored ..........

...............Rant over

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And it gets better , thought i would wash the car and van , but first make a cheese sandwich burger the bloody cheese knife broke, went to Hoover the car and there is fag ash every where , we dont smoke but her mum who she took shopping Saturday does , so say no more silentsilent
Now the best bit >>>>>>>>

..... walked through the garage to get some water and the censored CAT is pissing up my BSA affraidaffraidaffraidhead banghead banghead bangblarblarNoNofightingfightingTwisted EvilSadSadSad

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@Davehutch wrote:

..... walked through the garage to get some water and the censored CAT is pissing up my BSA affraidaffraidaffraidhead banghead banghead bangblarblarNoNofightingfightingTwisted EvilSadSadSad

Very HappyVery Happy and now you only have to find where it's sh*t

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Nooooooooo not up the bike Where's that woman who puts cats in bins Twisted Evil
And as for the mother in law get a no smoking sign and hang it up in the car mirror

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I would be so pissed off about the smoking, hate it !!

The Cat is it nuetered? If not get it done its sent marking, if not it obvioulsy hates you or the bike!!

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bet it was that little twat across the road dave Laughing

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@Davehutch wrote:
@lee wrote:
bet it was that little twat across the road dave Laughing

Bloodt hell you dont forget much fofl
I cant forget his brother lives next door to me fofl

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hi thought i would get on here and start posting thumbs

[u]so tell me hows your day been today m8 ? i have had the day off cleaned the lizzys out ,cut the hedge and bushes,out the grass all in the sun and had no problems !

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richdevon wrote:
hi thought i would get on here and start posting thumbs

[u]so tell me hows your day been today m8 ? i have had the day off cleaned the lizzys out ,cut the hedge and bushes,out the grass all in the sun and had no problems !

About time thumbs and hows my day been Sadcensoredsmackhead bang

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Nice one Rich
as for Dave id go bed start again , if i were yo , m8 ,. ,
but as said shoot the cat ban the mother in law , and just kick fook out the little shite across the road for the sake of it , just in case it was him , fightingfighting

oh and by the way concratconcrat

Just for once someones had a worse day than , me , lololololololololololol

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i got my taxi back from the bodyshop on sunday having spent £250 to have the rear bumper repaired and painted and rear arches done as well the local council have given it an extra year as its in pristine condition they even took fotos then some blind old twat backs into it today and scrapes the fu;;in bumper and tried to drive off i shouted that i had seen them so they stopped and gave me their details censoredcensoredcensored

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i got my taxi back from the bodyshop on sunday having spent £250 to have the rear bumper repaired and painted and rear arches done as well the local council have given it an extra year as its in pristine condition they even took fotos then some blind old twat backs into it today and scrapes the fu;;in bumper and tried to drive off i shouted that i had seen them so they stopped and gave me their details censoredcensoredcensored

bugger. what a dick! hope you get it sorted mate

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My cat so far has fell off the roof of my car twice in the ice scratching both rear wings,fell off the bonnet 5 minutes after I polished it,more claw marks.In the summer I was washing the Triumph ,he jumped on the wet fuel tank and slid off,I caught him just as he dug his claws in,two light scratches then later in the day I covered it up and he pissed all over the cover.
Neutering does not work,maybe a clamp on his bits and a bit of nail removing.
Last week he cost us £60,got in a fight and got a hole in his ear fighting

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hate washing the car as i keep seening marks
1 year old

as for smokin get an ash try as new cars dont have any Wink
ps smoker lol!

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