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Dropped me Bike

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Dropped me bandit on saturday in the snow, when it 1st started i asked my manager if i could go early and he said no, i'll have to wait until later, WOT A PRICK, some of you from the bandit forum no that the managers at the london eye r crap as i have told u. Anyway 3hours later he called me into the office and said leave your bike in the car park up the road and we will give u some money to get home, i said its not about the money i have money its the princible i aint leaving my bike in westminster, at the end of my shift i will be getting on my bike. Another hour went by and still was a blizzard got a call from control they said i could go home, he never even had the bottle to tell me hiself coz other managers was letting there staff go in other departments, only the staff that lives the furthest and i live in essex he could ave let me go. Well i dropped the bike in the city bent the bars smashed the right hand engine casing just done an oil change dump that all on the floor (WASTE) badly bruised my leg an to top that broke my phone, the AA turned up we got in trafficc on the M11 and i got home at 8pm all in all 6 hours from dropping bike to home, I phoned work told them i crashed in the snow and i will not be in on sunday they said ok, when i went in on monday the manager told me i have to have an investigation on the 28th of december the day i go back from xmas, but before he said that i told him that i have just had a call and was told that my aunt had just died 2 hours ago he said and what do you want me to do,(I WANTED TO SMACK HIM ONE), good job i have a wife and kids coz i would have told him to stick his job and the LONDON EYE RIGHT UP HIS ARSE. i no its long winded but jus had to let go sorry Sad

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Sorry to hear that mate.....Yeh my boss must be related to yours....he's an ar$e as well............

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Guest Guest
I'd phone up and and get one of those free chats with and employment law solicitor.

Your Employers do have a duty of care towards employees. Now offering you money to go home might conver them but then saying that offering to store your bike in an unsecure area was wrong. What was also wrong was making you wait until the snow was so heavy it was a danger to ride, you may get away with this as it is your only means of transport.

Don't go in there all guns blazing, sit down over chrimbo and write it all done on a peiece of paper. How they where unreasonable, no secure parking, other sections went earlier who lived closer. How you feel that your manager let his personal feelings effect his decison etc etc. Have a couple of copies which you can hand out to other folks and don't forget you are entitiled to have a member of HR present should they be doing a disiplianry against you.

Good luck.

It seems unreasonable to me and most Civil Servants would have been sent home..

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Rose wrote:
I'd phone up and and get one of those free chats with and employment law solicitor.

Your Employers do have a duty of care towards employees. Now offering you money to go home might conver them but then saying that offering to store your bike in an unsecure area was wrong. What was also wrong was making you wait until the snow was so heavy it was a danger to ride, you may get away with this as it is your only means of transport.

Don't go in there all guns blazing, sit down over chrimbo and write it all done on a peiece of paper. How they where unreasonable, no secure parking, other sections went earlier who lived closer. How you feel that your manager let his personal feelings effect his decison etc etc. Have a couple of copies which you can hand out to other folks and don't forget you are entitiled to have a member of HR present should they be doing a disiplianry against you.

Good luck.

It seems unreasonable to me and most Civil Servants would have been sent home..

Also very pleased you wern't too badly hurt
try not to let it spoil your christmas santa

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What a total arse Shocked I always make sure im a memeber of the union so i have back up with dicks like him. Glad your ok though thumbs

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sorry to hear this,I would take that advice off rose

but would also think,if I could get another job

I would go back with guns blazeing,tell him what an absolute arse he his,tell him to stick his job,tell him to sleep at night with his eyes open,and pray that our paths never meet ever again,but dont take this advice it will get ya in bother Laughing

whats up with employers these days,what happend to looking after ya staff

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hope you ok mate dont worry about your bike itll fix sounds like a right little hitler you got at work. can you get compensation from work ?

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Sorry to hear that mate, hope your ok, all the best and try and have a good xmas dont bother wasting ya time on the censored hole and remember what goes round comes around thumbs

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Sorry to hear this mate, glad you're okay thumbs the bike can be fixed easier than you can

As said, don't let it spoil your Christmas and New Year party

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Sorry to hear this m8, main thing is you are OK.

Well said...And at the end of the day that is the most important thing

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thats shit mate,i remember u said before wat a knobhead ur boss is! grrrrrrr...........forget him for now n enjoy xmas pint

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