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tractor boy

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One there was a young lad who was tractor crazy, everything he has was tractors, his wallpaper, slippers, clothes, bed covers, and so on, he was so crazy about tractors!

on his 18th he turned round to his dad and said "im sick of tractors".

and his dad said "i thought id never see the day son"

the lad then said "i want us to go down the pub toniight and i want to pull a bird"

his dad with amasemnt said "certanly son ive been waiting for this day to come.

Later that evening his dad was in the pub waiting a while, the pub was full of smoke, and his son suddenly apreared, sucked all of the smoke in, steped back outside and blew it out.

a bloke said to the dad "wow that was amasing how did he do that?"

and he lads dad turned round and said "hes and EX-TRACTOR FAN?"

Very Happy

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That My friend is without of a doubt the worst joke I have ever heard in My 47 years on this planet.
If You have any more please keep them to Youself Very Happy

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@wellsey wrote:
That My friend is without of a doubt the worst joke I have ever heard in My 47 years on this planet.
If You have any more please keep them to Youself Very Happy
lol! and nice 1 Chad smack

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Apparently, as a young boy, many many years ago. In front of all my mother's posh friends during a coffee morning, I announced that I would like to tell them my bestest joke 'eva' Of course these fine ladies thought it was cute that such a young boy was excited to regale them all with his sweet joke.

With huge encouragement from my new female audience, I proceeded to tell them my wonderful joke. It was also a tractor joke and went along these lines:

What's the difference between a tractor and a giraffe?

Cue lots of comments of sweetness and ladies chuckling.

Then I deliver my highly amusing although somewhat misunderstood punchline because I was actually too young to understand.

'Well, a tractors got hydraulics and a giraffes got high bollox!'

You've never seen a room go so silent, you could have heard a pin drop.

Needless to say, I was never allowed to go near the local church coffee mornings or any other event for that matter. Bonus!

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@Manxbiker wrote:
Apparently, as a young boy, many many years ago. In front of all my mother's posh friends during a coffee morning, I announced that I would like to tell them my bestest joke 'eva' Of course these fine ladies thought it was cute that such a young boy was excited to regale them all with his sweet joke.

With huge encouragement from my new female audience, I proceeded to tell them my wonderful joke. It was also a tractor joke and went along these lines:

What's the difference between a tractor and a giraffe?

Cue lots of comments of sweetness and ladies chuckling.

Then I deliver my highly amusing although somewhat misunderstood punchline because I was actually too young to understand.

'Well, a tractors got hydraulics and a giraffes got high bollox!'

You've never seen a room go so silent, you could have heard a pin drop.

Needless to say, I was never allowed to go near the local church coffee mornings or any other event for that matter. Bonus!

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@Manxbiker wrote:
Apparently, as a young boy, many many years ago. In front of all my mother's posh friends during a coffee morning, I announced that I would like to tell them my bestest joke 'eva' Of course these fine ladies thought it was cute that such a young boy was excited to regale them all with his sweet joke.

With huge encouragement from my new female audience, I proceeded to tell them my wonderful joke. It was also a tractor joke and went along these lines:

What's the difference between a tractor and a giraffe?

Cue lots of comments of sweetness and ladies chuckling.

Then I deliver my highly amusing although somewhat misunderstood punchline because I was actually too young to understand.

'Well, a tractors got hydraulics and a giraffes got high bollox!'

You've never seen a room go so silent, you could have heard a pin drop.

Needless to say, I was never allowed to go near the local church coffee mornings or any other event for that matter. Bonus!


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