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Getting rid of my bikes

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Been thinking scratch and think with my age its time i got rid of my bikes and got out the bike thing altogether , And spend more time in my cage

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Funnily enough Dave I've had exactly the same thought this morning-wrong side of 50, blarblarblar ...

Sorry, what's today's date? Very Happy

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@Davehutch wrote:
Been thinking scratch and think with my age its time i got rid of my bikes and got out the bike thing altogether , And spend more time in my cage

Very HappyVery HappyVery Happy I didn`t thought about the date to day hehe

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@Davehutch wrote:
Been thinking scratch and think with my age its time i got rid of my bikes and got out the bike thing altogether , And spend more time in my cage

Aye , nice try Dave .... LaughingLaughing

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april fool. I did that last year after getting caught for speeding, having a car do a u turn in front of me, then another one pull out in front of me. Sold my trusty yam for a good price. Time to grow up after a couple of weeks had to have a bike, ended up buying an old harley, (21 this month) anyone pulls out in front of me I will plough straight throw them

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I did consider posting to say I'd bought a caravan, but who the hell could be that stupid?


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I did consider posting to say I'd bought a caravan, but who the hell could be that stupid?


Now that would be April fool lol!lol!lol!

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@Grumpyowl wrote:
I did consider posting to say I'd bought a caravan, but who the hell could be that stupid?


Now that would be April fool lol!lol!lol!

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