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Panic !!!!!

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Thought we'd lost the dog this afternoon Sad (only 5 months old).

out walking along a field with a high overgrown grassy area beside a stream, suddenly the dog jumped into the long grass and fell about 7ft into the stream affraid with a 7ft high embankment both sides and about a 4ft water depth she was paddling for all she was worth, with my daughter screeming she was going to drown all i could do was jump in after her, grabb her by the scruff and throw her up the bank (no mean feat).Then after using the overgrown grass at the top pulled myself up. We must have looked a right sight trudging home soaking wet. Anyway no ill effects me and dog both fine, the things we do for pets eh! Shocked

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You hear of people going on ice to save dogs and think thats stupid, but this is our first proper family pet and I now can understand why people do it Dave.

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ITCHY wrote:
thank God I have chickens Very Happy

I even find my self jumping on to the shed and going all superman poses to stop the damn chickens from jumping over the fence!! lol

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I had to stick my finger in my canary once to remove a broken/jammed egg. Also had to do surgery on some. Does that count? lol

Seriously, looking at those big puppy dog eyes is enough for you to become attached. I would and have done anything for my pets even if they can be a right pain sometimes.

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good on ya mate, i love me animals and would do anything for them glad your both ok, i hope your daughters fine too salute

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@Stue11 wrote:
good on ya mate, i love me animals and would do anything for them glad your both ok, i hope your daughters fine too salute

Thank you for your comments everyone, the dog and me are fine Stue, but my daughters still shaking like a leaf, she's not gettin over it to well!

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@darkember wrote:
Good on you M8 thumbsthumbs BTW is that a little cocker spanial??

Yes it is darkember, 2 minutes after the event her tail and bum were wagging themselves stupid Laughing

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@Stue11 wrote:
good on ya mate, i love me animals and would do anything for them glad your both ok, i hope your daughters fine too salute

Thank you for your comments everyone, the dog and me are fine Stue, but my daughters still shaking like a leaf, she's not gettin over it to well!
Bless her

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@Davehutch wrote:
Glad she is ok thumbs and nice one think most of us would do the same

agree Congrats on being able to throw her onto the embankment, do you still need to go to the gym? thumbsthumbs Glad to see everyone is okay. Looks like your daughter needs a little time to calm down but I'm sure she'll be fine

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Well done mate, anyone would the same, animals are a member of your family. thumbs

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Well done you, as stue11 said we love our animals and im sure your little one will come to terms with the ordeal in time thumbs

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