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front brake light switch.

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noticed it wasnt working this morning so got back early from work and spent 3 hours cleaning all the connectors etc,i traced it back to a loose earth i thought the switch had gone at first so thats saved some cash the loom looked like new but its 15 years old! a really satisfying job well worth doing. thumbs

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@madsod wrote:
its so nice when its all your own work ,

you learn a lot in the process as well thumbs

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@dick65 wrote:
@madsod wrote:
its so nice when its all your own work ,

you learn a lot in the process as well thumbs
Well done you mate thumbsVery Happy

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@madsod wrote:
its so nice when its all your own work ,

All your own work? Shocked Thank God for Dads that have ridden for years and sons who are trained mechanics foflfofl

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@madsod wrote:
its so nice when its all your own work ,

All your own work? Shocked Thank God for Dads that have ridden for years and sons who are trained mechanics foflfofl
you got it nice and easy lol. it does feel great thou doing your own work and then fixing it. thumbs

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