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Red V5s

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Has any one had a new red V5 yet.It seems the DVLA have nothing to do so are replacing all the blue V5s with new red ones before the end of 2012.
Good to know they are spending our money well.

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@XS1100 wrote:
Has any one had a new red V5 yet.It seems the DVLA have nothing to do so are replacing all the blue V5s with new red ones before the end of 2012.
Good to know they are spending our money well.

They're doing it because a batch of BLANK blue ones got stolen, so they have to reissue all red ones. Worst part is the new ones don't have a facility for declaring that you've personally scrapped a vehicle, which for a pikey like me is a bit of a pisser.

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@XS1100 wrote:
Has any one had a new red V5 yet.It seems the DVLA have nothing to do so are replacing all the blue V5s with new red ones before the end of 2012.
Good to know they are spending our money well.

They're doing it because a batch of BLANK blue ones got stolen, so they have to reissue all red ones. Worst part is the new ones don't have a facility for declaring that you've personally scrapped a vehicle, which for a pikey like me is a bit of a pisser.
agree just got a red un for the bandit

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We dont have V5 / log book / ownership slip's out here.
Doesnt seem to be a drama.

Vehicle engine and frame numbers are on Qld Transport Computer.

I have nothing on paper to say I own any of the vehicles sat here.
System work's OK. No worries Maaaaaate!

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yeah but if you had your bike stolen, what proof do you have of ownership?

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The Government has decided to issue new Red V5C documents, this is after figures showing that there are an estimate 400,000 fake current Blue V5C registration documents circulating the UK. Currently they have only recovered 2,000 of these fake documents.
The aim of this new Red V5C form is to give second hand car buyer's confidence that their purchase isn't one that is fraudulent. However buyers should still remain cautious of current blue V5C forms as the Red V5C's only get issued once the car is sold; details are changed, if it's lost, stolen or destroyed.
But Blue or Red, you should still do your regular further checks such as HPI, as the V5C only shows the registered keeper of a vehicle. So when it comes to car history it's pretty useless and shouldn't be accepted as proof of ownership.
The further checks that you should make are; check that the V5C document has matching identification numbers when compared to the identification stamp on the vehicle. Then the obvious things such as making sure that the make, model and colour of the vehicle match with what's on the document.

Read more: http://www.articlesbase.com/cars-articles/all-new-red-log-books-red-v5s-2919118.html#ixzz1bodrTrYp
Under Creative Commons License: Attribution No Derivatives

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@fr499y wrote:
yeah but if you had your bike stolen, what proof do you have of ownership?

Just the same as if you lost your V5 and had to apply for another.
All the info is on their system. We just dont bother with the bit of paper
that the UK use as a "reciept" and is not proof of ownership.

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@fr499y wrote:
yeah but if you had your bike stolen, what proof do you have of ownership?

All the V5 prooves is the 'keeper' not the owner. Which, in my humble opinion, is a bit shit...

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