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love driving in this weather NOT... got get my ass dwn to tooting london tommorow morning then across to st johns wood and finish in south leics before getting home Sad

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@Davehutch wrote:
things are getting bad for me now , money /work thumb down has anyone got any rope ??
You got your health thats all that matters thumbs

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C'mon gang, it could be worse. I had to drive to a job near Matlock on Sunday, roads were OK. Was out walking in it Saturday on the High Peak Trail. You need to learn to love it I reckon. Sorry to hear about your work situation Dave, I know only too well how it gets you. Try & keep positive mate. Smile

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Get down the gate pint cheese cob and chill screw it m8 be tropical heat soon and not enough hours in the day ! love peace and bananas.....

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@Stue11 wrote:
@Davehutch wrote:
things are getting bad for me now , money /work thumb down has anyone got any rope ??
You got your health thats all that matters thumbs

I agree with stue Dave, remember what we spoke about late the other week you'll be fine mate, its only snow it will melt and then back to graft, to me health is everything and money dont matter as much now you know what I mean thumbs

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easy to say Dave but dont worry m8 theres better things around the corner thumbs

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i think they got it wrong lol, said -10*C for one of the days, but this morning it sudenly changed to -1*C.

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I bloody hate the cold weather as well cos it causes nothing but problems for us at work as all the saws need a constant water supply.
By the time we have thawed them and sorted out all the problems associated with frozen pipes its time to pack up and go home ready to start the same process the next day.Added to that block freezes on the tables as its being cut, can't transport larger block on the forklift trucks because where they are icey they will just slide straight off the forks.
we lose £1000's a day when the weather is like this.

this was last years cold snap.

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sure things will get better soon dave this weather wont last long

could be worse you could be working here


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chin up dave stay positive..

trust me i know, it all works out well in the end..

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