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Wifey had to pop out this morning to go and collect one of me bday pressies i wonder what that is LaughingLaughingLaughing ile keep ya posted as soon as i find out partypartyparty im like a big kid when it comes to suprises LaughingLaughingthumbs

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Stay fully clothed mate, just in case. Don't want any mis-understandings ShockedShockedfoflfofl

Hope it's something you like thumbsthumbs

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It was me birthday cake as youve all seen and yea mike it is something i like...
Cake mmmmmmmmm looks to nice to eat though. thumbs

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@Stue11 wrote:
It was me birthday cake as youve all seen and yea mike it is something i like...
Cake mmmmmmmmm looks to nice to eat though. thumbs

Have to agree mate. Good work by whoever baked the cake thumbsthumbs

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