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eventful day out or not

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decided to go out with the wife to foxton locks today .but on the way i needed petrol in the car so stopped at the petrol station .looked over my shoulder to see a nice yellow limited edition gsxr .old boy filling her up .he went i went followed him up the straight then i came round the corner and seen that he had gone straight on and dropped it. due to the shit road conditions pot holes loose stones .anyway stopped the car ran over to him picked the bike up sat him down gave him some water .i helped him put his bike back together with string and a old blanket that i ripped up ..and off he went .i did say i would follow him for a few miles ..glad i could help someone that needed it at that time

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thumbs Nice one, I think its something in a bikers psyche that compels us to help another biker in need! thumbssalute

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