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sv650 drinking oil

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okay i serviced my sv650 just over 2k miles ago, i did the oil to the middle, it sucked some around was near low but in the window, ive just put 500ml in and its not just above the l on the window again?

is it know for v twins to use some oil, as i know the tripples do, or could there be something wrong,

it runs fine, no smoke, but does run a bit rich but thats mainly the 33bhp restrictors


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Half a litre over 2000 miles is about what laddos 2nd SV used - but it had done 35,000 miles. His first one (15,000 miles) only used oil if he put fully synthetic in.

Have a mooch around the org, there's probably a wealth of info on oil consumption there mate.

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high millage sv's do tend to use a bit of oil. oh and dont do wheelies on the sv! oil starvation and the engine will go pop Smile

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most Suzuki drink a bit of oil bike need to be upright not on any stands , I make sure i check it in the same place ever time , Im sure you do this but some don.t ,and think it can be done on side stand paddock stand etc . had a few on the RF forum , who done this ,

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no i know that mate, im holding the bike up straight at the flat bit of my garden, ive toped it up now its on a nice level but i couldnt believe 500ml, when the bandit touched nothing, saying that the bandit had 3500 miles when i got it and sold it with 10900

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It is expected to see some smoke if its using that amount. Look at start-up.

Also if its running very rich as you say it might be washing oil from the cylinder walls in continued but small amounts thus not seeing blue smoke.

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there is no smoke what so ever, when cold pops a lot due to running rich, when needs a balance but its been worse since the 33bhp kitm, but 1 month and their out so ill balance the carbs etc then thumbs

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