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Tony nitrous

"I don't think we're in Kidderminster anymore, Toto."

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deffo not the kidderminster i know!! I'm going to have to have a trip over to Australia and stay with my aunty, Hopefully i can borrow my uncles bike while im there thumbs they live in Brisbane, Queensland

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Ah it looks shit out there Sad

Can i live in your shed plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz coolpic,

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@haveugot1 wrote:
Ah it looks shit out there Sad

Can i live in your shed plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz coolpic,

Me as well. I won't take up much space ShockedLaughingShockedLaughing

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Managed to stretch my weekend out to include Tuesday.
Too nice to not go out and play for a few hours.

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In the last/todays pic I "Squeezed" the bike between the posts
to get up to the pedestrian viewing area at the Powerstation.
Anyone would think they didnt want vehicles in there !!

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Hi tony

You are having to much fun m8 thumbsthumbsthumbs

How did you get that number plate for the back of your KING ?

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Personal plates are very common and quite cheap out here.

Normal bike plates are 2 numbers-3 letters,
if you stick to that but pick your own combination
they are about $400.
Huge range of colours to chose from.

B KING was going to cost about $2000
because it was not a standard plate
(local lad bought it anyway)

I thought well... a 1 and a 3 look a little bike a B
and it is a "13" hundred.... Laughing

so went for the cheap option.

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Managed to stretch my weekend out to an
11th day, Fark' im getting the hang of
this being self employed... Laughing

nice one tony,best thing i did going self employed LaughingWinkthumbsthumbs

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cool tony it looks good m8

Yes 1 3 do look like a B now you say it LOL

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Personal plates change a bit depending if
your registering in Qld / NSW / WA / NT etc,
but they are still quite common.

A few of the Boys in our group...

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That's cool as F M8

wish we could have plates like that over here

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Plates stay with the bike as long as its registered
(road tax paid)

If your tax run's out for more than a month
or two, the bike becomes "unregistered"
and the plates are not valid and dont belong
to you, they then belong to the Dept of Transport.

To re-register the bike you need a safety cert (MOT)
but you'll be given new off the line plates.

Good thing is we dont get MOT's.
You only need one the 1st time you register
a vehicle OR if its changing owners.
Some of mine havent been done is several years.

Road tax includes basic 3rd party PERSON insurance.
Not property but damage to persons.

It legal to ride on anything that has tax
IF you have a bike licence.

Been banned a few times, double the speed limit,
drunck driving, only 18 year old etc etc,
As long as you have a licence you can still
LEGALY jump on your mates Hayabusa / B-King / R1
as long as it is taxed !!!

Bad thing is so can an unemployed person with a
dozen kids living in a council house.
If they hit you your f#cked! and the only
hope you have is claiming off your own insurance.

Mad world.

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That is mad m8

But how much is it ?

As i am paying just under £500 for my Z750 (04) & B.king (2010) full comp plus tax plus a m.o.t for the Z the king will need a m.o.t next year.
It all adds up.

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A years road tax on a big / unlimited CC bike,
dual rego (much cheaper if its a single seat bike)
is about $400, about 250 UK pounds.

Single seat bikes are much cheaper to tax
because it includes the "personal" insurance,
if there's no passenger, there's a lot lower claim risk.
You get your bike inspected, must have a
single seat and no rear pegs to get passed.

My fully comp insurance for 5 bikes,
Busa, B-King, GSX1400, Bandit 12, GSX1100,
including all mod's, agreed value,
insured rider and passengers bike gear,
Option to do own repairs,
Option to buy back any salvage,
is about $1600, about 1030 UK pounds.

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A years road tax on a big / unlimited CC bike,
dual rego (much cheaper if its a single seat bike)
is about $400, about 250 UK pounds.

Single seat bikes are much cheaper to tax
because it includes the "personal" insurance,
if there's no passenger, there's a lot lower claim risk.
You get your bike inspected, must have a
single seat and no rear pegs to get passed.

My fully comp insurance for 5 bikes,
Busa, B-King, GSX1400, Bandit 12, GSX1100,
including all mod's, agreed value,
insured rider and passengers bike gear,
Option to do own repairs,
Option to buy back any salvage,
is about $1600, about 1030 UK pounds.

Very interesting read that Tony thumbs

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The prices dont mean much because its only
relevent to what the average wage is.

Bikes seem a little dearer out here but I
put that dow to out limited availability.
Only 20 million folk over a huge area, the
amount of bikes within driving distance is
a LOT less than in the UK.

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That's cool m8

I wish i was with you LOL

I had a bandit for years & loved it

rode it every day till it fell apart LOL

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Love my Mk1 Bandits.

Had one of the 1st in the UK,
GSXR spec motor, coil spring clutch, open pipe,
Renthals, 60hp wet NOS kit, etc etc.
Made more pony's than my current Busa or King do !

Had to get another one,
bought a faired 1999 model and converted it.
Cheap nasty bouncy budget fun.
Cant ride it without a stupid grin on my face.

Yoshi pipe and Renthals every time... thumbs

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Don't you find though Tony that Australia has two downsides......it's full of Australians and nobody is allowed to be over thirty Twisted Evil

Old and Disgraceful racer2

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I used to work for an Earthworks / Civil Engineering
company when I turned up here.

Owned by a Welshman.
Old Scottish Guy as a labourer,
2 English labourers,
1 HUGE Maori / Kiwi labourer,
all our concreters were Italian,
we had a South African Engineer.
We joked we got things done
because we hadnt got any Australians.

I took a day off once to go get my Australian Citizenship.
The Boss said "when you turn up tomorrow you'll be an Aussie"
I said "I that case i'll phone in sick and go fishing"

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I took a day off once to go get my Australian Citizenship.
The Boss said "when you turn up tomorrow you'll be an Aussie"
I said "I that case i'll phone in sick and go fishing"[/quote]


Will probably be over in a year or two, possibly longer. My cousin is moving out there, he's a spark, so once he's settled I said I'd go over for a visit thumbsLaughingthumbs

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Where is he moving too ?

They always told me it takes between 2 and 3 years
to really fit in, untill you stop trying to convert
$ into pounds, stop converting K's into miles,
stop noticing the temp/humidity.
I laughed but they weren't far wrong.

I was lucky, when I moved out it only cost
38p to buy $1, now it takes over 60p to buy one.
Still a great place but not as cheap as a few years back.

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He's moving to Brisbane mate, but don't know which district. He's back over around November to start his job and sort house etc for the rest of the family to go over next year. thumbs

Once he's settled and sorted have said I'll go over. thumbsLaughingthumbs

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There's a few suburbs that he REALLY should avoid,
(like any big City) Woodridge, Inala, Logan Central etc.
Most folk rent when they 1st get here, I did,
Been here 8 years, If I can be any help shout out.

Also life in Bris depends where his work is.
Big place, over 2,000,000 people over a big area.
North and South sides of the river are connected
by the rush hour traffic and bridge/tunnel toll's
mean folk dont cross back and forth for fun.

Tell him "Bayside" is full of Pommies,
they like living near the Ocean.
(and has a good Balti resteraunt) thumbs

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