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Prince Harry

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Less ginger balls more like golden balls im not fused about the royals in general but harry is a legend he is only doing all the things we would do given half the chance thumbs

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If they stopped talking about it all the time on the news and daytime chat shows no one would have know about it the media is making it a lot worse - you'd have thought he had done something really bad like killed someone the way they are going on - he went to a party and played strip poker or some similar thing hardly a hanging offence. The person who sold the photo is the baddy in my opinion along with those media people who bought it and keep going on about it (you'd have thought he'd have got a nice tan first though) hide

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Looks like the admission prices for Sandringham and Buck House will go up. Need a lot of visitors to claw back $50 million LaughingLaughing

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@Davehutch wrote:
Love the royals , and proud to be ENGLISH !!!! salute

But there german studyLaughingLaughing

must admit I think its funny what hes done,why shouldnt he have fun thumbs

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