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foreign aid budget!

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10.6 Billion to be given away in foreign aid in 2014 ShockedShocked This a good thing or not? Wonder how much is creamed off by corrupt politicians, personally I would rather it was spent here (hospitals, business investment and M.O.D to name a few)and a tax payer donation system set up if people wanted to donate scratch

EDIT just noticed the date on the article is Jan 2012 so not sure of the accuracy Embarassed but its probably still committed Rolling Eyes

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might be hated for this but our money should be spent in our country!

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A more accurate description in a great many cases might be slush fund, or even bribery. Yes, corrupt officials cream off massive amounts, and it beggars belief that we are giving money to nuclear powers like Pakistan. Simple fact is this "aid" is used to oil the wheels of business to keep UK firms on the inside with foreign buyers/governments. One might argue that it is an investment in that regard, but that makes it no less disgraceful. Smile

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surely 10.6 billion can bankroll quite a few british firms, or better still reduce bussiness rates for everyone this would also encourage more bussiness to start up here.

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Damn good policy if you ask me

if only we didnt have to borrow the money first to give away

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agree with others

about time this goverment sorted there own affairs out before giveing money away

one of the reasons I dont vote there all lieing corrupt censored I wouldnt let any of them run a bath never mind the country

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