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Is your uk licence upto date ???

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Dvla cocked up their saying I should be on 33bhp till October 2013 when I passed car, but bike was august 2012. So need to go to my local office.

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Still got my old paper one as well as new type. Just in case DVLA cock up my renewal and forget to add my bike category as they are known to do. If you renew your licence you can ask for your old one back by enclosing a request letter and a SAE for return.

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just another weay to purloin money from you
you have to pay every 10 years unlike the paper licence where you paid once and it lasted till your 70

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It's been in the "to do" tray since September Embarassed along with the passport renewal and some other stuff that I really should have bothered to do by now....

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I've still got my original 1972 licence somewhere. They were dark red and about the size of a credit card. As soon as I've had a rummage will post a pic of it......

Old and Disgraceful racer2

When in doubt, go flat out!

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if ya licence need updateing make sure ya photocopy it before sending it off

dvla have messed some up in the past

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@ptolemyx wrote:
I've still got my original 1972 licence somewhere. They were dark red and about the size of a credit card. As soon as I've had a rummage will post a pic of it......

Old and Disgraceful racer2

When in doubt, go flat out!
This was the catchphrase of Dave Croxford the works Norton rider

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