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thats mental

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Got an American friend on Facebook and she is a gun nut. Posts all manner of things about defending your rights with a gun. twisttwist

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its not all about defending your rights with guns,i have good friends who live in minnissota been over to stay with them and you would struggle to meet a nicer bloke he is a gun coach at his local gun club and teaches kids how to use guns safely and responsibly,he also hunts as do an awfull lot of americans it is a huge sport over there. as with everything else in this world it is a small minority who feck it up for the safe and responsible people.

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Any one of those "safe and responsible people" can have shit happen which sends them over the edge to take actions that are totally unacceptable. Plenty of previously well balanced people suffer breakdowns all the time that can result in their judgement becoming questionable.

Then there is the scenario where a "safe and responsible person", being a normal fallible human being, has a lapse of vigilance allowing a "not so safe and responsible person" access to their toys......

Old and Thoughtful

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@ptolemyx wrote:
Any one of those "safe and responsible people" can have shit happen which sends them over the edge to take actions that are totally unacceptable. Plenty of previously well balanced people suffer breakdowns all the time that can result in their judgement becoming questionable.

Then there is the scenario where a "safe and responsible person", being a normal fallible human being, has a lapse of vigilance allowing a "not so safe and responsible person" access to their toys......

Old and Thoughtful

what you say is very true you cannot quantify for all scenario,if you do away with guns people will use some other means to kill and maim like petrol or acid are you going to ban them as well.it will change nothing some people are sick and just plain nasty end of.

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