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Out with the "VFRistas" tomorrow

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Doing a 130 mile figure of eight round the Peak District with the VFR owners forum that I'm on. They seem to take it a bit seriously do some like with satnavs etc, a lot of IAM/ROSPA types who actually now ride GS's Rolling Eyes  but I think they're basically sound. Mind you I'll be on the Speedy Laughing  If you're in Derbyshire keep an eye out for us-I think about 20 bikes. I'll hopefully be having a butty at Windy Ridge Cafe near Leek, so I'll pop a review on for you Wink

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Have a good one Alan. Went to the Village Green Cafe at Eyam which you mentioned. Nice place thumbs 

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@Oldfart wrote:
Have a good one Alan.  Went to the Village Green Cafe at Eyam which you mentioned. Nice place thumbs 

Nice one mate,you should have let me know. I'll try there sometime right enough. thumbs 

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OK, I'm back. That was a good day's riding and no mistake. Decent bunch of guys-it's always a bit weird to basically pitch up & ride off with a load of strangers. Anyway, I'd forgotten how great the Cheshire side is, we really must get out that way. Basically from Yondermann to Owler Bar near Sheffield, then back roads through Bakewell, Hartington, lunch stop at the Windy Ridge near Leek. I had a nice bacon egg & mushroom baguette which cost £5.20 with coffee.

On through Leek & Wildboarclough, pint of orange at Cat & Fiddle, where I said my farewells as I wanted to be home at a decent time. Done about 140 miles of largely blinding roads and did pretty well with traffic too considering. Had the bike airborne on the A54 Shocked but what the hell. Didn't really stop so no pretty pics except for one near my favourite hill.

Well I did say didn't I?

On the way home near Monyash

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glad you enjoyed it, love that last picture, you should enter that into the calender thing. thumbs 

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I do love your bike Alan thumbs  cracking pic and scenary2thumbs 

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Nice 1 alan sounds like a good day out thumbs 

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