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Egon Bacon rides again

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Well, I've had my shore pass stamped for tomorrow morning so I figure on the scenic route to Windy Ridge for brekkie, probably call at Cat & Fiddle for a shandy and then the A53 route back home. I' ll be rolling around 9. Anyone interested please be in the lay by on the Mansfield/Hucknall side of M1 J27 at 9:00 & we can hook up there. Smile 

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Anyone welcome mate. I don't plan tanking around so all abilities catered for. Smile 

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I'm up & got a coffee to hand thumbs . Been awake for a time actually, my son's just come back from Vietnam so his body clock's a bit off kilter, he's been knocking about since about 5:00. He's gone off to hit a few golf balls bless him Smile 

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Well I've found my way back, just as England got the last wicket party 

Good day out, despite a drizzly start the weather came good as soon as we got into Derbyshire. I expect the others will have a bit to add in due course, don't think anyone got any good scenic shots which is a shame.

They seem happy enough, and why not with that lot to fill your face with?

Where's Dan?

Ah,OK  Laughing 

Don't panic, the cafe is next door-just thought the pub made a nice background to the bikes. The Duke wasn't with us but we did have a chat with the guy over ice cream/fags/coffee.

Thanks for coming along gang. salute

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Had a brill day thanks all thumbs 

A misty start waiting for den and Alan J27

bit of breakfast >

Waiting for Dan Wink 

Cat and fiddle >

Alan eying up the birds >

then to monyash >

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Brilliant ride out. Thanks to Alan for a superb route (which I will do again) and great company in Alan, Dave, Mel and Dan thumbs 

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nice one looks like ya had a good day out thumbs 

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a great way to spend the day...nice one all thumbs 

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Great day with great people. thumbs  Thanks to Den for keeping me company Very Happy Was a great route and really boosted my confidence. Thanks Guys

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