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ever had that something's off feeling?

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I am keeping up with small projects about the house for now so I had nipped out to get some bits. Coming out of a morrisons (I had parked my bike further than I normally do as it was less busy and more spaces) I happened upon this car parked next to my bike. It had tinted windows, foreign plates (PL) and through one open window I could see 3 blokes. I might have surprised them because they all decided to light up some fags and avert gazes. Then started their car and slowly reversed out of the spot. If they were out shopping, it wasn't groceries. I memorised the plates and sighed with relief and took the long way home.

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watch the  censored we get alot where I work they all look  Suspect to me

and some ov the motors they drive  Shocked I thought most were here to work as there not payed well back home if thats the case I want there job

Then I could buy a bmw/audi/merc

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