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virgin media

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Anyone had virgin media broadband slowdown in the last couple of days? Or was it because i rang them last week and moaned about their charges.

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I'm on Virgin media and at the moment its fine which is unusual, had no end of problems with slow speed so after many phone calls and complaints/repairs they told me if i upgraded to their 50 meg speed (free) it would be more reliable as it was on a newer network. within 3 days it was down and i was without internet for a week, felt like I'd had my arm cut off.

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On with sky it doesn't run as fast as they say but not a great deal of problems. Im with 3 on my phone with unlimited internet so i just use the phone as a hotspot if any problems. thumbs

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Angela has Virgin Media and it does have its moments. Not really been on it last few days though. Will ask her and see what she says.

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