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Prayer Request - Friend's Home was Robbed

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A sister in my bible study group had her home burglarized on Monday. The thieves took quite a number of items, among them her business computer. As you can imagine, she's quite unnerved by this burglary and hasn't slept well since. While she has since got a dog and is having a security system installed, she is concerned about the security of the data on her pc which has photos, account information, passwords, as well as client information on the hard drive. She is also praying that the insurance carrier will cover the claims.

I would like to ask everyone to cover her and her home in prayer. I pray that the Lord would give my friend the peace that transcends all understanding and would form a hedge of protection around her home and assign an angel to every door, window and any other way of entry to protect her and her family in the name of Jesus. I also pray that the Lord would protect the hard drive of her pc so that the thieves can't access the data and do more damage. I pray that the Lord who loves righteousness and justice would lead the police to the thieves and that He would touch their hearts and take the scales off of their eyes so that they might know Him and repent from this way.

I plead the blood of Jesus for our communities because the enemy walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour. We will continue to resist him and remain steadfast in our faith. Throughout all of these trials, we know that God is still in control and will see us through. To Him be the glory. In Jesus' name, Amen.

Thanks & God Bless,


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Lord I ask that you cause great trembling to happen among the thieves that took this lady's stuff. I pray that you put so much conviction on their lives that they WILL NOT steal again. Lord with you NOTHING is impossible. I pray that the conviction is so strong in their hearts that they RETURN the things they stole. God you are the miracle worker and NOTHING is hidden from you. Please cover this woman and her houshold with your wings and speak words of comfort to her heart and life. God i pray that you encourage her in her time of need and fill her heart with Joy in the midst of this storm. We ask this in Jesus name and Praise you for the Glory you will get when this trial becomes a TESTIMONY for you! THANK YOU LORD! AMEN

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I come into agreement with Lurdy and Daph and Father we plead the blood over this woman and her home and her family and her friends. Father we come against the enemy right now and tell him to get his hands of the woman and he has no legal claim to her. Take your minions with you. We bind you and command you to leave her now in Jesus name and send you to the feet of Jesus. Father we pray the Holy Spirit would encompass her right now and permeate every pour of her body and fill her to overflow and give her your peace which passes all understanding for you are the Prince of Peace! Father we thank you that your blood protects her and heals her situation. Father we don't understand why this happened to our friend, but we trust Father that you have it under control and that you will take out the ungodly and bring in the righteous. Father we pray this person is so burdened with guilt for the wrong they did they return her items to her 7 fold. It says in your word that Satan must return to us 7 fold what he has taken from us and we claim it now in Jesus name.

Father we thank you and give you all the praise and glory.

Your servant,

Connie praying

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