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Proof of God

Link to a GREAT Article on a Christian that came out of the "closet".

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To be honest with you I don't think that the Church is doing enough to help Christians struggling with homosexuality. Christians struggling with homosexuality most of the time feel that they cannot really talk to somebody about it in the church for fear of being ostracised or they fear it might spread around the church that they are homosexuals. I have come across some Christians who are struggling greatly with homosexuality and they want help and they don't know what to do to get rid of their homosexual feelings. That is why I believe that after awhile they get so tired of struggling that they act out on their feelings and then "come out of the closet". I remember reading a book by Pastor Kurt E Koch and he was saying that in his experience some persons struggle with homosexuality because some of their ancestors or family members were involved in the occult and that is the consequence. Also I think as well that an ancestor's sexual sins could be a contributor to a person having homosexual feelings. I strongly strongly believe we need to have more Christian Ministries focusing on assisting persons in and outside of the church who are dealing with homosexual feelings. There is a demonic side to homosexuality that cannot and should not be ignored. Just like how demons of lust exist so it is that there are demonic spirits whose job it is to lead people into a homosexual lifestyle.

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I agree with you. Alot of churches don't even want to touch on the issue of sex; there are many young people that I know that have more than one child (maybe that couldve been stopped with the proper attention, care, and love from saints and pastors) Its a touchy subject and its one that needs to be addressed (along with homosexuality). There are Very REAL things that people fight with daily within the church. Christ drew us by his love and we need to do the same. Show mercy. And yes, "praise" helps us to get out of any discouraging situation. one more thing....I DO TALK TO MYSELF(whew! I am glad that wasn't a bad thing!!) lol!

*thanks for posting Mia (interesting article!)

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I agree that the church needs to take a different approach toward people struggling with that particular temptation. Not just a different approach, a better, and yes, a more proactive and loving and effective approach.

The Lord said to me one day when our state/country had the gay marriage vote coming up....

Is homosexuality an abomination to me? Yes. Do I love righteousness? Yes. BUT BE NOT CONFUSED! I am not asking you to take a stand AGAINST homosexuals. I am asking you to take a stand for righteousness.

From that comment from God, I understood that Christians are taking a stand against the people instead of loving the people and being involved with the people. We should be taking a stand for doing the right thing while loving them. We (the church) in some cases have made the homosexual individuals/community the enemy without realizing it and instead they should be the mission field. In missions, we go and live among them. We have however shunned them from our lives and are effectively helping seal their one way ticket to hell in our confusion of what exactly would be pleasing to the Lord. That is the kicker, the mistakes we are making are honest mistakes made in an effort to please God.

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