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Proof of God

Prayer for Daphanie's Son

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Would you all please keep Laura's son in your prayers. He is going in for a heart cathater. He was born with a defect in his heart. His heart only has 2 chambers instead of four. He's been very blue lately and is running a fever. He is 2.


She is at the hospital with him now.


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Oh my gosh, Mia, I like need to give you my phone number. Call me anytime for stuff like that. I will send it in an email to you. I will lift her son in prayer right away.


In the name of Jesus I thank you that you have already healed Daph's son Lord and I thank you that he will have complete restoration! Father I speak life into this little boy and that they are going to find he does not need a cathader and that his heart will be found to have all four chambers instead of two.

Lord I thank you that the surgeons hand are steady and precise and that you would gently guide them, Lord. Father we also pray the Holy Spirit would surround Daph and her husband and give them the peace that only you can give. We thank you Father for your unfailing love toward us and that you aide them in every area that they need.

Father, we give you all the glory and the praise, and we wrap our arms around you and give you a hudge hug. Father you are so awesome, we pray you make his living life a testimony to your truth!

God bless,

your servant,

Connie praying praying praying

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Yes Lord I am in agreement with the prayer above. I speak life in Jesus name and I call froth a creative miracle in his body right here and right now! Thank you Lord for the testimony we are about to hear. praying praiseGod

Send Daph and hug for me.


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Add to that a prayer for Daphanie..... kidney infection. I am praying and agreeing with all that we've already prayed for her.

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crying WOW THANK YOU EVERYONE!!! What beautiful prayers! Monday was supposed to be Devin's heart cath but he developed a fever Sunday night. They informed us that since he had a sinus infection, they were going to postpone the cath for two more weeks and let him recover. The next day i was having a horrible pain in my backside and since i'd had a UTI for a week or so, i knew i needed to go to the hospitle for some meds. They told me it was a kidney and bladder infection and gave me plenty of meds and sent me home. I've been resting a lot and i feel so much better! Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers for my son and I. You guys are a blessing!

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God Bless Everyone

I am in agreement, It is DONE in Jesus Mighty Name




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