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My Mother's Kidneys

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My mother (who will be 83 next month) was recently told by her MD that her kidneys are functioning at 25%. He's recommending dialysis but she refuses so they'll have to treat the kidneys via prescriptions. She has to go back in 3 months for additional tests to determine if there is any additional deterioration.

I would appreciate it if you would pray for full restoration and a softening of her heart so that she can be fully healed. I don't want her to miss her blessing because of a spirit of stubbornness and/or fear.

Thanks & God Bless,


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In Jesus' matchless name, I agree with you for wisdom and healing for your grandmother. May she live in divine health for many years to come! flower


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In the name of Jesus we speak that Lurdys Grandma is healed because you already paid the price. Lord we thank you for your healing in her life and we come against the enemy right now in Jesus name and bind the spirit of infirmity and render it mute, useless and bind it from any physical manifestations in Grandma life and cancel all its assignments, that goes for any spirits under infirmities control right now. Father we thank you that you fill the gaps with your Precious Holy Spirit and we thank you Lord that you will bring the peace that only you can give. We praise you and give you all the glory!

your servant,

Connie praying praying praying

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