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In need of prayer for Healing

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Please pray for healing for my daughter who has severe O.D.D (oppositional defiant disorder) , my son - healing and for me healing of MS. Thank you and God bless you!!!!!

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You are in my prayers. Just remember, that God sent His Word and healed you and your children. Claim what is already yours.

Many blessings to you.

Delaine huggins

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I would be happy to pray!


In the name of Jesus we thank you for my sister in Christ's children and for herself. We thank you lord that you have already healed us! We come against the spirit of infirmity and MS spirit and ODD spirit right now and render it mute, useless and cancel all it's assignments and any physical manifestations and send it to the feet of Jesus for judgment right now in Jesus name. Lord we are standing on the Word in Is 53:5. You were bruised for our transgressions and by your stripes we WERE healed! Father we give you all the glory and the praise and thank you in advance for this families healings!!!

your servant,


praying praying praying
👏 👏 👏
:thankyou: :thankyou: :thankyou:

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Delaine and Connie, Thank you so much for your powerful prayers. I can not find the words to express how grateful I am. Only God knows :) These things coming against me and my family dont stand a chance!!!!!!! HALLELUJAH!

God watches over His word, It will NOT return to Him void. woohooo :)

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Amen to that Angelwingz! Amen! We have ALL power in Jesus name to trample on the enemy and you know I am not afraid to use it!

Love in Christ,

Connie laugh

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Im learning to use it, and you all are helping tremendously:) I am very grateful for this site :) God bless us ALL :) 👏

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Thank you Connie, I took it in my backyard and edited it to death!!! LOL Usually my pics have scripture on them, thanks for the compliment! :)

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Father God,'
In Jesus' name we come boldly before you...Angel asked all to pray for her on her much needed healing. Father, you taught me that we have not because we ask not. You also said to believe that you receive and you shall have that which you have asked. You also said where any 2 touching any 1 thing that whatsoever, you ask in the name of Jesus, a name above all names, it shall be done. Father, tonight I not only ask for her healing from the crown of her head to the soles of her feet but I proclaim it in the name of Jesus, I speak to this illness and I tell it to go in the name of Jesus.Father, you gave us the authority and you told us to speak those things that are not as though they were. I speak angel wings is healed believing in solid faith she is made whole and the devil can not keep putting these things upon her. Father, we are agreeing together on this matter and I will not stop until you have made her completely whole because by Your word, Jesus bore 40 stripes save 1 which is 39 stripes upon His back, which covers every illness known to man. Praise your glorious name I know she is healed I feel the spirit moving greatly in this matter..Now Father, send her the report from her own doctors...Let them stand in awe of the God that we serve. In the name of Jesus I pray Amen......

Angel receive this prayer and words, declare your healing, and believe that though you can't see Him always move He is moving for you this night...Confess to everyone that you are healed and God is in the midst of this situation...You will receive a dynamic report shortly from your doctors...

God is in the midst, right here and right now.......with others praying expect it even faster..... praiseGod Glory be to the most high God!!!!

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I stand in agreement, i declare it and i know it is mine. thank you God, in Jesus name....amen happy dance

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Thanks Dove,
Usually when I pray for someone I get out of the way and let The Holy Spirit perform....It is awesome to get to be a part of what God is doing for people still yet today.......Man, He is magnificant and awesome and all powerful....

I not only prayed for angel, I know that she is healed. It states to profess His words, not only confess.......DECLARING IS THE KEY!!!!

After I was obedient on here, I went to church last night and God said that He chose me as one of those in the church that I was going to receive a miracle straight from the throne room of God.........

happy dance praiseGod praiseGod :PTL:

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