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Praying for young married couples

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I want to pray for Duarianne and Bobby They are having a hard time in there marriage and THe Lord is allowing to minster to the wife, So please lets pray God will be done and every demonic force will leave this marriage. I am praying that the couple will have a closer relationship with Jesus Christ. Latoya and Derrick need to have a closer relationship with the Lord and also her husband just lost his mother about 2 weeks ago. So I pray Total healing and restoration and peace given to them.

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Amen and Amen!
There are alot of couples having a hard time right now and I don't think that that is by coincidence! We do need to pray for married couples everywhere!

There is a movie out that shows how "God can restore and heal marriages" and did JUST that for one couple who assumed theirs was over; it recieved good reviews (email me for the title)

This is the season for restoration/healing and God IS doing it! Fight for our marriages because their unions established by God!!! I believe that alot of people just need to be taught on what a male and woman's role is in marriage. I wish there were more churches that had "marital counseling" in them.
thanks for mentioning that point dear; my prayers are with those individuals. Marriage takes work (or so I've heard!!! lol! )


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