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filled with despair about my life

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I feel like I'm not supposed to be happy or have hope in my life. My prayers r unanswered. I try to have hope but my hopes get dashed. I get things and they r taken away. Like i got a job and then they couldnt put me in the system for me to have the job. I'm just going thru the motions of life again,no joy. Just despair and pain. Why does God allow me to have hope and let it be taken away? Why do i have dreams and His word saying there is hope but no breakthru yet for me? I'm tired of living like this. I despise that i cant even dream or hope anymore. What kind of life is this?

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I heard You Sister
I know exactly the way you feel right now..But do not despair
Araise and shine,If pleased the father to wound his own son
what about us ? We are dust and the Lord knows
we are like clay in his hands .Can the clay complain while beign mold?
The Lord hands are in your life..And it is a beautiful thing..the Living God tought about you and believe me after all these trials you still have a song in your mouth , a prayer in your lips
The desert and the pit are horribles places, but only the Best endures them.
In you, Deep inside you, He is writing His words to display you as a testimony and judgment against the ones that left you for dead,Mocked and Ridicule You.
Close Your eyes And believed God.Like Joseph all You have is dreams to go on.
But God is able to bring them to pass.
Stand and trust...
God is near..God is Near
Blessed be his name For ever and ever
We trust in the name of our God...
This life is more after all this is over..Now is when you are really living.
Wipe the tears in your eyes..pick up the pieces and hold your faith
remember all your dreams. You are not Alone.
GoD is with You..
Start recording every dream from now on...all the pieces of the puzzle are coming together to an unexpected end..
He told then in the wilderness: I brought to the desert ..a horrible place
to test you and show you what was in your heart..to make you good in the end and Bless You.
Didn't you wanted the blessing?
Endure and raise your head. Is over only when God said is over
the Labor pangs are increasing,more closer because the time of birth is near.
My Prayers are with You.
Father in Jesus name Send encouragment and wisdom in this moment
Send your Holy Spirit and the angels of your presence, To
minister us. Father Save us in your name..We have endured all
Remember us Now...Have memory of us.. remember We are dust,A simple breath of air,
In your hands O' Lord are our days..
Let it be your will and Give us strenght to resist..
I know our eyes will see the great things you made for us.I thank You Yahweh..My song will be for you because you heard me when I was in the Pit.My prayer I adressed only to You. Hear me from heaven,Father I beg You,
To you O Yahweh In Jesus name...all the Glory For ever and ever
Save Us now,Hallelujah!
save us father.
Amen and Amen

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Mark 9: 24 "And straightway the father of the child cried out, and said with tears, Lord, I believe; help thou mine unbelief."

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All I can say is that God is doing something for His people. There is a TREMENDOUS warfare going on and we all need to stand our ground and do like David did and "inquire of the Lord". When he did, the Lord told him to "pursue, overtake and recover all WITHOUT FAIL". The enemy KNOWS what God has in store for you so if he can attack your mind and make you think that nothing will ever happen or your prayers are never heard then he can paralyze you.

The things you can count on are:

1. God is ever-present in the time of trouble
2. He will never leave you nor forsake you
3. He knows what you need BEFORE you ask
4. When you call upon Him, he will hear you and show you Great and Mighty things.
5. Last, but not least...God LOVES you and no tribulation or trial can separate you from HIS love. Perfect love cast out ALL fear!!!

I have one more thing to add. I was reading in my devotional over the weekend and I read something that was encouraging to me. The writer said that before it begins to rain, the clouds get darker. That's an indication that the clouds are FULL of water. He said that when your days began to get darker, rejoice in the darkness because soon the clouds will begin to release the showers of blessings. Despair is as dark as it gets my friend. Do what you can and open up your mouth and praise God for the showers of blessings that are getting ready to fall in your life. flower

Blessings to you!!!

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I have been feeling "rain" in my spirit for about a month. Everytime I hear a worship song mentioning "rain" my spirit leaps, flutters, etc. I know God is about to do miraculous things in the lives of His people!

In the book of Jeremiah, God speaks about these times of manifestation of His promises (prophecies) and they shall not tarry but He will cause them to come hastily!

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Wow Cholette as always the rhema word came from the Lord thru u being wiling to be used by God! I was told i should start praising God more intensely with my heart poured out. Starting tonite esp with all that has been shared 4 my growth& edification.

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Praise the Lord...helping you helps me sweety...I'm fighing to stand my ground as well. Glad you are blessed...let's open our mouths and praise our faithful God together.

I read a scripture today that blew my socks off and encouraged me to no end. I feel led to share it with you...

If we are faithless, He remains faithful; He cannot deny Himself. (2 Tim 2:13)

The good news is...God can't turn him back on us because if he does, he is turning his back on himself. That is reassuring and is a good nugget to carry around in our hearts. God can't and won't leave you destitute sweety...because as HE is...so are YOU!!!!

Be encouraged and rejoice in THAT!!! flower

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