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Andrew Brown

God's direction after many closed doors

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Hello my name is Andrew,
For a couple of years my wife and I have been searching and praying for God's direction to move into full time ministry with Bible teaching and for so long doors have only shut over and over again, I have so many opportunities to teach and lead Bible studies, but we are beginning to wonder what is going on. We dont feel that where we are is what the Lord has planned for us, but we cant find a place we feel called to.
Pray that we hear clearly, feeling discouraged

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Hi Andrew...welcome to the site!

I think you and your wife should NOT be discouraged...instead, be encouraged. I see the closed doors as God's protection. He isn't letting you walk through just ANY door...He's going to wait to open the door that He designed just for you. Ministry is HARD WORK and God wants to supernaturally provide for your ministry and it can only be through the door that HE has ordained for the two of you.

Be patient my brother in the Lord...God is still working some things out in the two of you. I likened the process to baking a cake. We anticipate eating the cake so we keep opening the door to the oven to check it...not knowing that every time we open the door, we let the necessary heat out that is needed to bake the cake. Sometimes you can look in and it looks ready, but when you stick the toothpick in, it's still undone inwardly.

I see the opening of the oven door like being impatient...it allows the necessary components flow out that God needs in order to complete the process inside of us. The Bible says for us to be anxious for NOTHING...relax and rest in the Lord...He desires this ministry to come to pass more than the two of you put together. It's HIS WORK that you are doing and believe me, when the door opens, you will know it and you will be in the place internally where you will be able to handle it with ease...

Blessings to the two of you and may God allow the peace that Jesus left for you to overtake you and give you rest!!!

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Where one door is closed another is open. I just want to encourage you that each door that is closed is bringing you to the one that is open. The one that God has in mind for you. I praise the Lord for his infinite wisdom that will bring you to the perfect place he wants you to be! Thank you Father that you have the perfect place for them to go in Ministry and that you make it unmistakeably obvious to them that they will not miss it.

God bless and be encouraged!

Love in Jesus,


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Read Revelation 3, the letter to the Chruch in Philaphia - 'See, I have set before you an open door which no-one can shut'.

You are in a season of waiting. Even if you feel that where you are is not your finakl destination, it's a point on the journey and you might as well at least try to enjoy the journey!

I have been trying to get into a certain career for 4 years. This summer I had a really good contract offered to me, but ti fell through. At the same time I was bullied out of my job, so at the moemnt I am not workign and nothing seems to crop up. Also, the man I want gave up his job, studied for a year to apply for medical trasning, but then was rejected for that trainin about 2 years ago and hasn't had a permanent job since. The positiion you'r ein happens to alot fo people.

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