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Can't face hospitals anymore

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I have a real problem - I am developing a serious phobia of doctors, medical procedures etc. I have insulin dependent diabetes, a severe form of arthritis and another serious health problem but whenever I go near a hospital i freak out... last Monday i discharged myself from the consultant rheumatologist dealing with my arhritis. I'm on very powerful drugs which have stopped working and i'm in a lot of pain, but I just couldn't face seeing him again.

Also, there is quite an intimate procedure I need to have don... they tried to give it to em and ended up giving up beacuse I was really freaking out, so they want me to ahve it done under general anaethetic but for health reasons and beacsue that makes me feel really threatened I just can't consent to that (who wants to be unconscious and have ppl emssign around with their unmentionables? It's like beign assaulted...).

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I've had this condition for 30 years. I've repented of so many sins I've probably repented of sins I never committed. I've read 100s of books, been to a million healing retreats, been prayed for, counselled etc. I've looked for the root in my own sins and past and those of my ancestors... I've searched every place and been throught he whole of my life since conception... and you know what? It didn't make me well. iIwas already weary and burdened, and it just added more burdens.

I've had people shout at unsees 'spirits' that were supposed to eb maing em sick, and nothing happened at all. I've been to countless delieverance minsitries. They couldn't help, and God Himself did not allow me to discern any spirits.

You kinow what enable dme to talk again? Drugs. Medicine - because it is my physical body that is ill. The physical worl is fallen, which is why death comes to us all in a physical sense. It is not wise to look for demons or trauma or other explanations - God sent me doctors and they are His servants in this battle.

I have never been raped or sexually kolested in any way, so i cannot really comment on what happens to people who have, but I certainly do not feel bitterness towards the people who have done me most harm, and those people were the Christian counsellors who told me to look for a root and ergo blamed me or my family for our suffering. This is ungodly; it is judgement under a pious disguise. These people had real power over me; they abused me by taking me to psychological places they did not have the expertise to explore, they told me there must be somethign hidden within myself that i couildn't see and my search for it was a painful one - until God made it clear to me their thinking was wrong. I am his child as was Paul who was flogged, Peter who was crucified, Elijah who was bitter and alone in the desert; nothing can separate me from the love of Christ and His blood is powerful enough to counter every curse. The peopel who believe in 'roots' thought they were doing good, so I wish them nio ill. I only hope that they come to a place of greater maturity, such as the prophet Hosea who said when the stlls were empty he would still praise the LORD - he didn't say he would get down on his knees and repent of all his sins or researxch his whole family tree or mull over every word he had ever said, he would simply praise the LORD.

Please, please listen to me: telling sick people to look for roots unless God specifically reveals one just adds more confuson and pain. DO NOT COUNSEL PEOPLE WITH CHRONOC ILLNESSES IN THIS WAY UNLESS YOU HAVE A WORD OF KNOWLEDGE. You think you are helping, but all you are doing is making it worse - not just you personally but every-one who preaches these philosophies.

In the book of Luke Jesus told the disciples not to beleive that those who had died when a tower collapsed had died because of sin - He made it clear we must not judge those who suffer. Also, when confronted with a blind man the disciples asked, 'Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was bron blind.' jesus replied 'Neither'.

Now, the woman with the bent back had been held in bondage by a spirit, but Bartim,aeus had no spirit cast out - we are not all healed in the same way. jesus dealt with every ill person as an individual; healing is when He meets you at your point of need. Mine won't be the same as yours, so your experienes whilst they are beautiful and a testimony to God's will won't necessarily translate into my life.

I thank you for you love and concern, but I find it very distressing to look for spirits and roots - I did that for about 15 years. So please let's agree that we disagree, and end this conversation.

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Dear GoldenEagle,
Have you tried thanking God everyday for the healing already you received,
At every moment thank God for the healing you already had even when the whole body aches and reality say the opposite..the Word of God is true Always...
I think that is what is hindering the manifestation in your case sometimes we need to be radical in our approach.
I read that in the book of Ephesians..And believe me it works.
May the Lord Bless You and keep you.

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Actually, I'm doing pretty well physically. I'm ebtter than I've been in 20 years - it's not the disease that's theproblem. I just can't cope with hospitals anymore, which is what my post is really about. We seem to have gotten a bit off topic on this thread.... but thankyou for your kind words.

What do you eman by 'radial? I don't really understand...

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That is right, but unfortunately after 30 years you do get a bit exhausted. That's probably why I'm asking for help here: I can't go on chasing after healing anymiore. It exhausts me beyind belief when I even hear the word. I need other believers to pray for me, cos I just can't face it anymore.

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Jesus Got your healing the day He died on the cross for you and me.
By his stripes we were healed.
I am praying For your faith to increase..I know the will of God for you is to be well,Nothing broken and nothing missing ,anything contrary to that is not from God.
Take Heart and Bring your hope up one more time. God is in the throne.
A man was sitted by the pool waiting for the water to moved and get healed but he had no man to take him in. and he had waited 38 years..
The passage showed us that for sometime someone was with him waiting for the water to move but the time pass by and nothing happened.
the man was on the pool waiting with no hope,but there ..
And one day Jesus Showed Up and all Changed for that man.
God is the same yesterday,He never changes,if He did it for that man He will do it for you too.
Faith! God is on your side and He sees you
Jesus Told us to pray,interceed with thanks giving for the miracles and healing I know He already got for us.
Also He said to put the hands over the Sick and Command the Sickness to leave the body, and the sick Shall be healed.
Not by my word or my name But in The Name Of Jesus, The Son Of the Living God virtually I touch you with my hand and Command the Sickness and the Spirit of infirmity in your body To leave you in this moment and never comeback again to you.
In the Name of Jesus I declare You healed By his stripes as it is written on His word,No tought of doubt,man or demonic force will prevent this word to be manifested on your life for His Glory and Honor.
I Thank You Father for this miracle because I know this prayer was heard and answered According to your will.
In Jesus Name Be healed.
May the Lord Bless You and Keep You.

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In my case the phobia has grown the more doctors I see, so keeping going to the doctor doesn't help at all! Each tiem it makes the phobia a bit worse.

I'm so ghlad you're on the way, Butterfly.

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GoldenEagle wrote:
I've had this condition for 30 years. I've repented of so many sins I've probably repented of sins I never committed. I've read 100s of books, been to a million healing retreats, been prayed for, counselled etc. I've looked for the root in my own sins and past and those of my ancestors... I've searched every place and been throught he whole of my life since conception... and you know what? It didn't make me well. iIwas already weary and burdened, and it just added more burdens.

I've had people shout at unsees 'spirits' that were supposed to eb maing em sick, and nothing happened at all. I've been to countless delieverance minsitries. They couldn't help, and God Himself did not allow me to discern any spirits.

You kinow what enable dme to talk again? Drugs. Medicine - because it is my physical body that is ill. The physical worl is fallen, which is why death comes to us all in a physical sense. It is not wise to look for demons or trauma or other explanations - God sent me doctors and they are His servants in this battle.

I have never been raped or sexually kolested in any way, so i cannot really comment on what happens to people who have, but I certainly do not feel bitterness towards the people who have done me most harm, and those people were the Christian counsellors who told me to look for a root and ergo blamed me or my family for our suffering. This is ungodly; it is judgement under a pious disguise. These people had real power over me; they abused me by taking me to psychological places they did not have the expertise to explore, they told me there must be somethign hidden within myself that i couildn't see and my search for it was a painful one - until God made it clear to me their thinking was wrong. I am his child as was Paul who was flogged, Peter who was crucified, Elijah who was bitter and alone in the desert; nothing can separate me from the love of Christ and His blood is powerful enough to counter every curse. The peopel who believe in 'roots' thought they were doing good, so I wish them nio ill. I only hope that they come to a place of greater maturity, such as the prophet Hosea who said when the stlls were empty he would still praise the LORD - he didn't say he would get down on his knees and repent of all his sins or researxch his whole family tree or mull over every word he had ever said, he would simply praise the LORD.

Please, please listen to me: telling sick people to look for roots unless God specifically reveals one just adds more confuson and pain. DO NOT COUNSEL PEOPLE WITH CHRONOC ILLNESSES IN THIS WAY UNLESS YOU HAVE A WORD OF KNOWLEDGE. You think you are helping, but all you are doing is making it worse - not just you personally but every-one who preaches these philosophies.

In the book of Luke Jesus told the disciples not to beleive that those who had died when a tower collapsed had died because of sin - He made it clear we must not judge those who suffer. Also, when confronted with a blind man the disciples asked, 'Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was bron blind.' jesus replied 'Neither'.

Now, the woman with the bent back had been held in bondage by a spirit, but Bartim,aeus had no spirit cast out - we are not all healed in the same way. jesus dealt with every ill person as an individual; healing is when He meets you at your point of need. Mine won't be the same as yours, so your experienes whilst they are beautiful and a testimony to God's will won't necessarily translate into my life.

I thank you for you love and concern, but I find it very distressing to look for spirits and roots - I did that for about 15 years. So please let's agree that we disagree, and end this conversation.

I can so relate to everything you wrote in this email. I too have been going through the same thing, dealt with the same issues by other Christians they meant well but, and I will leave it at that. I have no phobia in which you speak about Hospitals, I am just tired of the physical pain I deal with daily, and I am just plain tired of doctors and Hospitals. I have decreed and declared my healing for years and have yet to see it but know the Lord sits on His throne.No one knows what you go through day in and day out but the Lord does. I have nothing but total compassion for you as I know what it is like to suffer such things that are not from God. No matter what people who have not walked in your shoes will not totally understand and so they will come up with pat answers to real life struggles Bless them they are trying.

The Lord is faithful and I know he has gotten me through every second of every day and for that I am blessed. Fear is the enemy trying to get you to believe false events appearing real.That is what fear stands for. I know in my spirit fear has no room and will not steal from me the Life of Christ in me. My prayer is that those of us who suffer such affliction will come into the fullness of salvation that Jesus died for. I know Jesus did not die so that we would receive less then what He paid for. My prayer is that we would come into the fullness of the promise of the cross.

Blessings to you precious one, my heart is with you along with my prayers. I send you many warm hugs this Christmas.

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