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Linda Irish

Confession...Pray for me...thanks

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Ok.....I emailed the fellowship forum a few days ago to request prayer...I am stepping out in faith and walking on air right now.....so far, praise God....I am free from fear and God is leading me in wonderful ways to pull together this fund raiser for the little boy with leukemia, Landon, who needs a safe home to come home to.

God, of course,, as always God is awesome, He is GOD....and I am happy to be used as His right hand man in this project....but i realized this morning that my priorities are out of liine..I have been more concerned with "How I will look (If it rains, if no one comes, if we are all sitting in mud puddles without anyone attending our fundraiser etc.....) I just realized that I have been more concerned about that than i have been about landon......and how he will benefit from this. and I am so sorry.
I tell you now God, i know that kind of thinking is so wrong and I am truly repentant Lord...

you guys...Please agree with me that i will be in Gods light through all of this and that I will resist the enemy.

It is all you father and although I want a sunny day, with no rain and all to go well and glorfy you in this fundraiser for little Landon. Father....If you chose rain and mud and no one to come...still I would be glorifying you and praising you God...for you have not given us a spirit of Fear.....

So guys...bro and sis in the Lord......Pray for Gods divine will in this fundraiser to help little Landon come home to a safe home and I love you guys......thanks

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Wow....I just realized...it was fear........I confess my fear to God and God yes........I give it all to you....pour your lite on me and on every brother and sister reading this today...let us walk in your way, your joy, your light, your spirit, your unlimited resources and your holiness...............................botta botta bing!!!!!!Praise You God!!!!! in Jesus name....AMEN

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"Botta Botta Bing"...LOL!!!

Yes, I was going to tell you to move forward with what you are doing. The enemy LOVES to throw a wrench, Linda, to make it about how WE feel, but the beautiful thing about the Lord is HE SEES OUR HEART AND NOT OUR FLESH!!! He already told us that in our flesh dwells NO GOOD THING. Thank God that He doesn't "treat" us by how we do things in our flesh, but by the motive we had to do it. God sees your MOTIVE...the MOTIVE you had when you accepted the call. It's the devil that tried to pervert this thing to be about you. God sees the your heart girl. Rain or shine, God will be glorified!!!!

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Thanks for taking the time for encouraging me. the prayers of the saints are appreciated and I feel so happy right now...God Bless you Cholette!!!!!

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