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de ja vu?? I'd like to know some thoughts.

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Ok, I took my dog to a doggy grooming "spa" today. When they took her away I noticed some roaches... I was like yuck, what kind of spa has those...
So, they call me to come get her and when I'm waiting I noticed some kind of weird worm (not an earth worm) that I couldn't really tell if it was a maggot type worm, that's just what I assumed. There were dead roaches on the floor, they were just all over the place coming out of the front desk. When I was looking at the worm on the floor, I felt like I had been there before looking at the same thing. I still feel strongly about that too. Like maybe my husband took her and I went with him? I just don't know, it was the worm situation and the whole setting.

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is this a dream? Sorry to ask but I can't tell...I do hope it's not real...but you never know...

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It is real, not a dream! I've never been to Any store/place that had a bug problem that was obvious! When I was paying for my dog's grooming, a huge roach scramble across the desk and the woman Swatted it like it was a normal thing to have roaches running across the desk at work.

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Maybe you better find a different place to groom your dog!!
Sorry to be laughing so much at such a yukky situation but you are a great story teller!

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Yeah, I don't think I'll take her there anymore!

Thank you for the compliment Joy, I thought I was a horrible story teller

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I was just wondering about this...de ja vu? I experience this alot, is there a bibical explanation of this or it just secular teaching?

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I've never read "secular teaching" on this so not sure what they say. But if the dreams come from inside of us then I'm not surprised some are the same. Especially if the Lord keeps bringing up something for us to look at! I guess it would be a "take note" sort of thing....?? I don't have many repeats except for themes. What do you think?

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We just got back from vacation in Orlando FL. We went to Disney World (all 4 main parks, not the water parks), the whole time I kept having strange experiences of places there as having been parts of different dreams throughout my life. Especially the most recent one with the one scene where I was in the mall store with my husband and son and we were sitting on the floor leaning against a tree that was in the middle of the room and there were chairs/benches lining the length of the walls, and the room was filled with people of all types, mainly poor people and the people were filling the chairs lining the 2 walls and the door on the left front corner of the room if you were facing it. I experienced a room almost exactly like this when we were waiting in line for a ride, except the tree was just a very wide squared ceiling support with a tv on it (I think it had a tv) and we weren't leaning on it or sitting on the floor But, other people were, the room was also rather dim, and I would say that it was inside a mall like place.

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De ja vu.It's intersting.I had some de ja vu feelings through out the years and many times it didn't seem significant,yet maybe God wants to show something.
I don't know why these things happen.If anyone know any Biblical teaching on this,I'm very intersted.
Sometimes these de ja vu feelings (though I don't have many) seem to be,as I said,unimportant,but who knows maybe in the future we will understand.
God bless you.

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I have often wondered about de ja vu too as I used to get this sooo much when I was unsaved and a newby christian. I don't get it nowadays. I cannot recall when last I did. But I do have a theory that is two fold ok so don't think I am alluding to anything about your case ok. I honestly believe that for me, they were spirits in me that had been where I had been at a previous time and once I was set free of them,the de ja vu seemed to happen not so much. Conversely, God is every where at all times, so there could be a Godly version of de ja vu. All I know is is that God is truth and He reveals to us in our own ways of understanding what the truth is. So I would pray about the de ja vu if it is annoying or even puzzling to you. He wants us to be children of light not fumbling around not knowing. I hope this helps. If not please disregard. I know God takes us through our own personal journeys and they are all so different indeed. Blessings flower

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Hmmm, I never thought of it like that, Satan is a counterfeiter too...

Yah Bless you too flower

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just read something I'd like to share, as "food for thought" on the matter of deja vu. Its a link to a website called, "HongKongJohn.net" and an blog post or article written by "Hong Kong John" called "A Christian Perspective on Deja vu." I thought it was an interesting concept.

Any thoughts from anyone else on it?


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