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God Sees All

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Hi Everyone! I need to share this with y'all.

For the past couple of months, I have been feeling really discouraged. I have someone in my life who just doesn't care about me, and has been mistreating me. Unfortunately for me, the person is my supervisor.

I have been praying to God and asking Him, do you not see what is going on here? There just seemed to be no answer and every day seemed to be a struggle.

Well, my family and I took a vacation to the beach. I told God before I left that I needed a sign from Him, that He heard me and saw what was going on, or if He even really cared at all.

I woke up early Tuesday morning, and went for a walk on the beach. About 500 feet from shore, there was a school of dolphins swimming and having a blast. They were spinning and showing off. I stood there and watched just struck by the sheer beauty of it all. A man was running on the beach and ran right in front of me. I looked down and saw his footprints in the sand. The poem foot prints came to my mind. The Lord spoke to me and let me know that He did see me and what was going on.

Be encouraged. If you are in a difficult situation, God does see you and your circumstances!

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Thanks for sharing that SCGirlyGrl. That is encouraging. I like you have had the Lord show me something through that poem as well and yes he does see and he does care and he is working it out on your behalf. Be patient and know that he is your justice seeker and will stand up for you even when you can not.

Love in Jesus,


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Thanks for sharing that was beautiful how God gives a sign that shows that he is speaking and listening to us even when we think he's not Be Blessed flower

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